Here he comes to save...I don't belive it(in a victor meldrew voice)

Who : Phil Febuggure and Phil FeSod
When : After his wimpy faint
Where : Back on RD, a room not far from the promenade
"This is getting a bit boring you know..."
Phil from BD awoke to see Phil from RD standing over him.
"Do you have any idea how muych blagging it took for me to stop those gurds from dragging you to see the captain.? Do you?"
In his semi-awake state, for some reason Phil-BD thought that Nipples was after him.
"Well well well, what do we have here?"
Phil looked up and Phil-RD looked round to see Captain Lister and his cronies walk into the room.
"Not just the traitors helper, but his little freind as well..."
<<help me some one, plllllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee>>

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