Returning the computer

Who: Cerebrum, Phil
Where: Outside the ex-meeting room, the ex-psychaitric office and the
new room on the list of repairs
Cerebrum watched as Tara and Keto disappeared down the hallway. He
would've given the door back, he had no use for it now, but it had
been converted to its component atoms when one of the meson cannon
blasts hit it. In the meantime, the Smiths had regained conciousness
and were standing by.
When Phil returned with a trolly, Cerebrum turned to face him, "Your
damn computers inside. I'd appreciate it if you'd take it back.
That's the last time I ask Holly where I can find a computer to help
me do my psychiatric work."
Holly's face popped up on a nearby monitor, "To help you do
psychiatric work? Is that what you said?" Holly asked, "I thought you
said a computer that needed psychiatric help."
Phill and Cerebrum walked into the ruin that remained of the room.
The desk had survived intact, and so had the computer. Cerebrum
walked over to it.
"Phil, before I give you your computer back, I'm going to give it
some psychiatric assistance."
Cerebrum opened one of the drawers, took out a mallet and hit Saddam
with it.
Cerebrum hit it again and said, "Now listen up <bang>. You will not
<bang> take any actions <bang> that will endager <bang> the lives of
the crew <bang> again <bang. Or I will <bang> not use a <bang> rubber
mallet <bang>, but instead a <bang> sledge hammer next time.
"Good," Cerebrum switched off Saddam and handed it to Phil, "If he
acts up again, just hit him with a sledgehammer a few times."

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