The psychiatric divisions next get rich quick scheme
Who: Cerebrum
Where: Meeting room (now psych-office)
When: Just after the passage through the portal
As the ship moved on, safe, Cerebrum broke out in a wide grin. The
thought that the ship, and everybody on it, would be destroyed had
never even crossed his mind. What was on his mind was the next
fortune he was going to make.
He already had a fortune from the account that Harris had given him,
and he had another upcoming fortune from his still that he had
managed to get out of the medi-bay before the medi-bay was destroyed.
It was in the corner of the meeting room, producing liquid gold in
Cerebrum's mind, alcohol in the crew's mind.
But now he had a third fortune on the way. It was currently contained
on the disk marked, 'Psychological Profile of an Eniram.' The first
psychological report on an alien ever. The psychiatric monthly would
pay millions for it. They'd pay even more if the military tried to
hush up the existence of the aliens (of course, they wouldn't publish
it then, but use it to blackmail the military).