well that was erm.............different

She opened the door, smiling when she saw him,
"Hiya hon!"dumb"Alota...."dumb"Yes?"DUMB!"I gotta...tell you something..."DUMB!!!"What?"DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!!!!!"Never mind...its stupid, i...gotta go..." He turned and walked away, back towards the lift leaving a bewildered Alota staring after him.<End snip>
Alota shut her door shaking her head,
'Well that was different' she thought,
"Oh Hoooollllyy"
"Yes" came the voice of a decapetated bloke
"Where did Jay go?" she asked,
"He went down to the Cargo bay"
"Thank you". alota left her quarters and started heading down towards the cargo bay luckily there where no holes to fall through only the odd Eniram dead body to jump over. She reached the cargo bay and saw Jay sitting on a create mumbling to himself. She walked up to the create,
"Jay" Jay jumped sky high then turned to face Alota,
"Don't so that!"
"Ok, what where you going to aske me?"

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