Spray Something So the Space Ship's Skin is Strengthened

(try saying THAT title after you've had a few...)
Who: Keto, Jay, Alota, Coffey, Wildflower...dammit, just add Jay and
Alota to the ones in the devastating of the medibay! ;)
Where: Outside the now-devastated medibay
When: Just after the devastation of the medibay
"It's devastated," moaned Keto. The ringing had worn off a few
minutes ago, and now he was crouched in front of the prised-open
doors to what had been the medibay. Now it was just a cheerfully-
blackened hole full of Eniram carcasses.
"Hey, Doc!" said a voice that Keto *really* did not want to hear
right now.
"Miss Coffey, go and get Miss Cleavage, please," he murmured
quietly, "We killed the Eniram but I think we've got another couple
of invaders coming in. Yes, you?" he asked, looking up the corridor
to see Jay and Alota walking towards the crowd of dis-medibayed
people. Coffey glanced at him, then hurried off towards the
officers' quarters.
"You got an ointment that might reinforce the hull?" asked
Jay, "We're gonna need something to do it if we're going to take off."
Keto took a deep breath and turned to face Jay.
"Of course," he said, pointing inside the medibay, "Just in there."
Jay walked forwards and looked inside, then whistled.
"Jeez," he said, "What happened here?"
"A little accident with a few Eniram, which wouldn't, let me just
point out, BE here if YOU hadn't crashed the ship into the smegging
ocean!" snapped Keto.
"Y'know, I think we've been through this before," replied Jay, "And
as I recall, you lost. Now do you want to tell me if you can make an
ointment that'll make the hull stronger, or do I need to humiliate
you again?"
Keto snorted.
"Of course I could make an ointment to strengthen the hull of a JMC
Mining Vessel," he scoffed, "After all, *all* I would need would be
about three hundred cubic metres of 2,2,3-trichloro-1,4-
dibromoethanoate, a sodium chloride catalyst and some way to
effectively spray-paint something the size of a city! And of course,
I've got all that in my pocket, RIGHT HERE."
Jay stared at Keto for a moment.
"Just so I'm sure, you ARE being sarcastic, right?"
"Chrysler," muttered Keto, "There is NO way that I can produce the
necessary things without having a very large supply of alcohol, which
you flushed into the sea, and having a dilute solution of chlorine
with which to alter it. And some sodium as well."
There was a pause.
"So you need alcohol?" asked Jay.
"Yes," sighed Keto.
"And some sodium?"
"And some chlorine. In water."
"Yes, that's right."
"You do realise that the sea is water and salt, right?"
"Of course I realise that!" snapped Keto, "You think I'm stupid!?"
There was another, longer pause.
"Okay, it's all collected!" shouted Keto over the noise of the
giant pump. Out the window of the Phoenix, Jay gave him what might
have been a thumbs-up. A couple of digits off, but close enough.
Muttering something about all pilots being imbeciles, Keto unhooked
the giant hose that ran down into the ocean and climbed up the
boarding ramp of the Phoenix.
"You sure this is going to work?" asked Jay as Keto slammed the
Phoenix's door behind him.
"Mr Chrysler," said Keto coldly, "The chemical concoction I
"...have MADE will work perfectly, bonding with the molecular
structure of the hull and making it effectively strong enough to bear
any stress that might be placed on it. So in that sense yes, it will
"In what sense WON'T it work?"
"In the sense that we've got you piloting the device to spray it
onto the hull, so you're bound to screw something up."
Jay murmured something inauduble, and tapped a few buttons. Keto
was suddenly flung off his feet and sent catapulting down the aisle
to the back of the Phoenix, where he hit the back wall with a thud.
Jay looked over his shoulder.
"Oh, sorry," he said cheerfully, "Did I forget to tell you to
fasten your safety belt?"
"I'll remind you I still have a theoretically lethal weapon buried
in my foot," said Keto, limping back up to the cockpit and sitting in
the copilot's seat, "How are we flying?"
Jay toyed with the idea of patronisingly saying 'well, we're inside
this biiiig metal thing that has smaller metal things that lift it up
through the air', but instead just shrugged and said, "A little
The reason for the heaviness was the giant tank bolted to the top
of the Phoenix. Jay had supervised its installation, wanting to be
sure that no permanent damage was done to the Phoenix. Inside that
tank was about three hundred cubic metres of Keto's 'ointment', ready
to be sprayed out of the wide-angle nozzle that had temporarily
replaced the Phoenix's weapons systems.
Slowly, Jay flew the craft in a circle, until it was facing back at
the Dwarf.
"Ready," he said. Keto sighed.
"Here we go," he said, and pressed the button to start spraying.
OOC: Yes, I'm aware that there is no way that such a chemical
compound could exist. Hey, why'd you think I got a C in chemistry?
And if the Powers That Be don't want the hull reinforced
yet...well, I left it hanging, didn't I? ;)

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