Dirk Bell: Map Maker

The pain killers began to kick in. "Pain allllllllll gone," Dirk
sighed in relief and even a bit of enjoyment.
"Are you sure it was a good idea to give him pain killers before
taking him on an away mission, Nurse Cleavage?" Niples asked. She
shrugged. "I think I remember the report of his last involvment in an
away team. He had suffered so many injuries that the bloodloss made
him delirious. After hearing how he acted the last time, I'm not sure
I want him in the same condition."
"It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all," the
doped up scientist began to sing.
"I think this is going to be a long flight,er, dive," Jay said from
the cockpit.
After about an hour of searching for the Enriam's underwater city, and
a number of rousing choruses of "Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang," the pain
killers began to wear off. Dirk sat in a corner tinkering with
something in his hand. He was singing an old Tom Jones number, don't
ask why.
"I thought you said the drugs would have worn off by now," Phil
whispered to Tara.
"They should have," she replied.
"Then why is he still singing?"
"Don't ask me."
"Got it!" Dirk yelled.
"What is it?" asked the Captain.
"While I was in the Enriam sub, I was in charge of the sensors. There
was a large map of the ocean floor at that station. On that map was a
little red dot. It wasn't the sub itself or any of the other subs.
Whatever it was, it stayed in the same place the whole time." Dirk
flipped a switch on the box in his hand.
"It must have been their city," Niples said. "Must be a way for the
subs to accurately find their way back to the home base."
"How does that help us? We're not in an Enriam sub," Tara butted in.
"No, but I can use this machine to tap into the Blue Dwarf's long
range sensors. After all, they are designed to reach out miles into
space. The sensors will relay a map of the ocean floor to this hand
held device and I can use my memory to pin-point the exact location of
the Enriam city."
"Are you sure your memory is good enough to pin-point the city," Phil
"Well,...maybe not pin-point; but pretty close.
Within a close proximity.
In the near area.
Just a little shy from the parimeter.
In the same ocean, at least."

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