Love is in the air...

Where: same
When: same
Who: same
"so....." he paused......".......what are you.....trying to say?......" he said again.
"I'm trying to say that I like you Jay, more then just a friend"
"I don't know what to say.....other then why not make it more then that"
"Yeah", Alota got off the bed and walked over to Jay, kissed him (this time willingly) ----------------------------------------------
Keto and Phil looked at each other
"There is a place for romance and it's not in my medi-bay" said Keto
"Go suck a lemon" said Tara who had been listening to what was going on. Alota grinned. Keto walked over to Tara
"You are a member of my staff" he said "You are also layed up in my medi-bay" he continued "You are very vunerable to me injuring you" Phil not liking what he heard lifted Keto up by the back of his shirt and threw him across the room where he crumpled into a small heap, Coffee and Vanessa went to his aid. Jay turned to Tara
"Do me a favor Tara... don't ever try to fly a shuttle again" "You really think I want to?" Tara sat up she was covered in cuts and bruises "Retorical question" she added
OOC- again short but I couldn't resist

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