What\'s doing?
Zodar looked over the edge of the ship. He was standing on the top of the
ship, in the atmosphere. The suns were shining brightly over the land, it
was a nice day. There were probably alien life forms here of some kind or
another, you just had to be on your guard.
He had been given orders to repair the hull with the other engineers who
began their descent down the side of the ship. The cables suddenly formed
some sort of tension as the engi's abseiled down towards the water. Zodar
put on his harness, clipped himself in and started running down the side of
the ship. Being the first one down from his group, he waited at the bottom,
suspended over the water against the hull.
"Hey, Jay!" Chris yelled "What do you want me to do? If anything need's a
fixin', I'm your man."