Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Re: **Action** - Helium eh?

When:- End of the meeting
Where :- the meeting room
Who:- too many to list
"Problem with it Mr. Chrysler?" asked captain Niples
"Frankly sir i'd rather be caged in with a hundred ravenous lions with someone shouting  DINNERTIME!"
"Well, live with it."
Jay exited the meeting room. "Holly?"
"yes Jay?"
"wheres Larry Trisees?"
"In the medibay."
"Thanks Hol."
Jay made his way to the medibay muttering to himself about Trisees stupid hair.
Eventually he arrived.
"Tara" he asked,
An annoyed expression swept across Tara's face, she muttered soemthing that sounded like "If i get interuupted ONE more time..."
She glanced over her shoulder " YES! Jay?" a hint of aggression in her voice
"Is Trisees here?"
"In there" she said pointing towards the office "but his exact words were unless your names coffee or keto i dont want to know!"
"Really?" He said as he turned and walked towards the door, passing Wildflower on the way.
"hi Jay"
"Huh.oh um,, Jenny"
He reached the office door and Knocked.
The muffled voice of Trisees came from the other side "SMEG OFF!"
"Its me Lawrence, Charlie Keto"
"Oh..hold on"
The door unlocked and Trisees found himself staring Chrysler in the face.
"You dont look like Keto to me, what do you want flyboy?"
Chrysler stepped inside the office.
"Niples has ordered us to work together to get this bucket floating,"
"Why do I even care?"
"Because if you ever want to get back to S.A.E.C or wherever it was you came from it might help if you hadnt drowned"
"you make a convincing argument, but I dont need YOUR help, what are you going to do, crash a starbug into it to see if it plugs the hole?"
"Well actually Trisees, I have an idea."
"This is gonna be good!"
"I got the idea from Schweeble in the meeting, about the baloons an all, but first we need to seal the hole in the engineering deck, I can take care of that, and lighten the ship by emptying the cargo bays, what i want you to do is design and build several hundered Zeppelin style blimps"
"Filled with what?"
"well, Stewie gave me some helium canisters, but there wasnt really enough to lift the ship, 10 canisters couldnt even lift my pool cue, so I figured we could re-calibrate the scoop to take hydrogen directly out of the water and use that after all its what they used in the original Zepellins"
Trisees as obnoxious as ever replied with "I hate to urinate on your porverbial parade, complete with funny animal ballons and all, Mr Chrysler, but the reason they STOPPEd using Hydrogen was because of what happened to the Hindenburg, how can i put this so that your tiny litle mind can comprehend it? It went BOOM!"
"I'm sure you'll figure something out Larry! I'll be in engineering, whats left of it.."
<OK over to you Shakes>

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