Re: **Action** \"Disasters part 2\"

Where: The newly invaded Starbug.
When: Um, I seem to have left my watch back on the Dwarf...
Who: Kayn, Mike, Dirk, White Wolf, Allie and some Aeron thugs.
>The Starbug door was burst open and two figures barged in. They were
>human, or at least human-like from first glance. But they were
>wearing hats with majestic swept-back wings on them.
>"Who are you?" asked White Wolf, standing in front of his crew.
>The two muscly figures looked at each other.
>"We represent the Aeron Kingdom. You are Eniram, so you are our
>"Where'd ya get the head wear? Hawkman have a garage sale?" Dirk
>smart-assedly responded.
>"Silence! Come quietly or we'll have to use force," one of the men
>"Eat me," was the science officer's response. The two men came to
>grab him. Dirk kicked one of them and punched the other. "Not use
>to a good ole fashion ass whoopin', are you?" One of the men came
>at Dirk. As the Blue Dwarfer took a swing that never connected, the
>other man hit him on the head from behind, knocking him out.
> Allie sat back in her chair and sighed. "This is really going to
> be one of those days, isn't it?"
> "Quiet, Eniram scum!" one of the figures exclaimed.
> "Don't tell me what to do, Wing-Boy!" she retorted.
> "Whoa, calm down, Allie," White Wolf told her. "We don't know
> what kind of people these guys come from."
> The hologram prused her lips. "Well, if their hats say anything
> about them, they're probably-"
> "Sssh!" White Wolf insisted.
The huge hamster turned back to the Aeron thugs, and continued to the
muscle bound thug, "Now what makes you think that we're these... What
are they called again?"
"Eniram." supplied Mike from the back.
"Thanks. Why do you think we're Eniram?", continued the huge hamster
to the Aeron thug.
"Shut up Eniram Scum!" Said one the Aeron's while motioning for more
muscle bound men to enter from the open door behind them.
"You can come with us peacefully, or you can come like him.", added
the other, pointing to the limp form of Dirk.
As the other Aerons stepped in and level weapons at them, the huge
hamster put up his paws and said, "We'll go peacefully. Please
understand, this is all a misunderstanding, we are not your enemies."
"Shut up Eniram Scum!" said the first Aeron, as he stepped forward
and slapped some handcuffs on the huge hamster, and began to do the
same for each of the others.
"Take 'em to the prison." said the second Aeron.
Soon Allie, White Wolf, Mike, Kayn, and (the now awake) Dirk were
being marched through some Aeron military complex towards what was
obiviously their very *empty* prison.
As they marched, the huge hamster whispered over his shoulder to the
other Blue Dwarfers, "Now would be a great time for one of you to
tell me you know a cool method of how to quickly overcome several
guards, deactivate thier tractor beam and fly ourselves outta here."
OOC - Now remember, We're not supposed to escape! Onion has informed
me of more revealations to make with this plot yet, so I'll make the
appropriate actionette posts to help advance us along in the plot.
Please take your cues from these for now. (Onion has specifically
requested we not go off on any tangents *just yet*...) So, let's just
post our characters reactions and dialogue about our current
situation (being put into prison and brainstorming ideas on how to
deal with things, like escaping, convincing them we're not the enemy,
Eiram, and so on). I'll post our next plot advance either late
thursday or early friday!
- WW

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