Ah, forget it!

OOC-Because of my computer leaving me unable to really post or read
posts, I have no idea how Big Brother ended except that I lost. I
don't care I lost, but I'm mad I didn't get to have any fun with it.
Anyway, I'm just starting off after the whole thing is over. I don't
care if it messes up any story lines or anything, I just want to
forget it and move on with the new plotline the captain started, and
hopefully I'll be able to have fun this time.
Where-Katrina's quarters
When-after Big Brother sometime
Who-I think we've all already guessed
The doors to her quarters swished open. Katrina immediately threw her
bags across the room and onto the bottom bunk. As they landed, a
small furry creature jumped off the top bunk and raced across the
room to greet her.
She picked her cat up and gave him a squeeze. "PITA. Oooh, you got so
big," she cooed. "What was DJ feeding you?"
Katrina crossed the room and sat down on her bunk, placing her cat on
her lap. "Did you miss me? I missed you." Without realzing it, she
sighed. "And Seymour. Is that man ever going to return? Obviously, if
he was back, he would have greeted me as soon as I left Big Brother.
Unless he was planning a special surprise."
She looked down at PITA. He had his eyes closed. Katrina
laughed. "Geez, I've already put you to sleep." She placed the cat on
the floor. PITA didn't look too happy about being moved.
She yawmed. "Speaking of sleep..." She put her head down on her
pillow and closed her eyes, soon falling asleep.

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