Continuing the discussion

Who: Cerebrum and everybody else in the bar fight
Where: The bar fight
When: The bar fight
"...and then in high school I found out that I enjoyed torturing
small animals," said the security guard who Cerebrum was interviewing.
"Lovely," Cerebrum said, marking that down on his notebook, "you
appear to have had quite a, how should I say, 'interesting past.'"
Privately, Cerebrum thought that the guard had a past that a serial
killer would be envious of. "So tell me some more. Look out!"
The warning came to late, as a chair smashed the guard, who leapt up
and tried to smash the thrower of the chair. Cerebrum ducked out of
the way and rolled underneath a nearby table as the fight spread to
where he was seated.
He found himself next to Lloyd and Donover. He turned his notebook to
a new page, then asked, "So, what do you think contributes the most
to your craven cowardliness by hiding here while the others tear each
other apart? Unless, of course, you are in possession of common

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