Keto was still glaring at Jay. Chrysler had been chuckling to
himself for too long for it to be the result of one moronic joke,
Keto decided.
On the other hand, this was Chrysler...
"Are you still laughing at that childish quip of yours, Chrysler?"
he asked finally, unable to take it anymore. Jay wiped a tear from
his eye and shook his head.
"No, just laughing at a joke Alota made," he said. Keto's brow
"What?" he asked slowly.
"Alota asked me I could make the broom fit!" laughed Jay,
bursting into guffaws. Keto, however, didn't make a move to stop
him, just stared for a moment into space. Eventually, Jay stopped
laughing and frowned as well.
"What is it? You're spoiling my mood," he said.
Keto looked pensive. "When did Miss Viagra make this oh-so-
hilarious jibe?"
"Eh? Well, when you were lying out back there with a broom handle
up your..."
"But wasn't she supposed to be being silent?" interrupted Keto
hastily, "I didn't hear any klaxon..."
OOC: It's possible I missed it what with all the pain and broken
appendages and broom handle stuck up my hasty-interruption and all,
but...have we failed? (I'm not making the call on this one.)