The Oh-mighty-hypocritical-juvinile-Chief-Navigation-Officer return

Kayn had been evicted - sure he felt a bit of blood boiling rage towards his housemates, but it wasn't like he NEEDED the money...
Well there were those college loans...
But the IRS couldn't catch him out here in the middle of deep space could they?* With that in mind, Kayn went back to the drive room where a bloodshot-eyed Efof was busy piloting the ship
"How long have you been back?"
"About... oooh, a few days"
"Ah... wait, who's been piloting the ship since I went in Big Brother?"
"How did you pilot it when you were on Earth?"
"I didn't... had to pull it out of a collision course with a small planet..."
"Oh well..."
Kayn started to walk away
"It's your shift..."
"Yes... remember? You do 8 hours in the morning, Chrysler does the 8 hours after and I do the late shift..."
"But Chyrsler's still in Big Brother!"
"Good point... you'll do his shift as well..."
"But I've been here for over two hundred hours!"
"Think of the overtime pay you'll get then..."
Efof started to cry in madness, Kayn went and got enough pepsi to make him forget big brother.
*Anyone who watched the Better than Life episode can quote Rimmer on saying "Just because the human race is extinct and we're three million years in deep space won't stop them from catching you"
And which of you reprobates voted Kayn off? *Glares evilly...* Voting me off when I have to go to my dads, then go to work and then to a concert... without internet access for friday night and all of saturday! (and sunday morning because I was tired) GAH!

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