I Am The L...Judge!
Keto sat on the BB sofa, smiling as he watched the others milling
around and trying to work out what to wear for the fancy dress
competition. That was the advantage of being the judge, of course -
that he didn't have to wear a stupid costume.
"Oh yes," he murmured, "There's also the advantage of being able to
laugh at the attempts without making a fool of myself."*
Keto had entered the Diary Room earlier that day to make his two
nominations, so now all he had to do was sit down, lean back and have
a glass of...well, what was officially water, but was actually some
kind of liquid from the back of Parrott's. Nobody was quite certain
what, as they couldn't actually see what they were siphoning off.
Odds are it was water ANYway.
Keto didn't miss the evil glare that passed between Owen and Phil
when Tara's earring was returned. He tutted under his breath. All
these madmen trying to chat up any and all women in the BB house.
It was so obvious they were only interested in himself...
OOC: That was a joke, fairly obviously I should imagine. And look,
I've got my very own footnote below, which I remembered to put in at
the last moment!
*Don't worry, it's bound to happen anyway. ;)