Patrick Cerebrum

(OOC okay everyone, say hi to the new ship's psychiatrist, the poor soul)
Name: Patrick Cerebrum
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Ethinic/Nationality: Caucasion/Canadian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 173 lb
Height: 5'10"
Position wanted: Chief Psychiatrist/Psychologist
>Personality and Interests
> Patrick is the universe's proof that insanity is contagious. He has
>spent his entire life peering into the minds of lunatics, madmen, nutcases,
>psychotics, schizophrenics, depressives, maniacs, megalomaniacs,
>obsessive-compulsives and paranoiacs. This, as a result, has made him go
>slightly around the bend himself. At any time, when not taking his
>medication, he can exhibit any of the insanities had by any of his patients.
> When he is sane or insane, coherent and nonviolent; he is actually quite
>friendly, though he has trouble striking up permanent relations due to his
>tendency to only remain sane for about fifteen to twenty minutes. For
>crewmembers who have problems, he is always willing to lend a sympathetic
>ear and listen to their problems, then he'll try to fix them (which is where
>the process alway breaks down).
> His hobbies include reading medical books and magazines; research into
>psychatric equipment and drugs; and ingesting large quantities of alcohol in
>a short period of time.
> Patrick, before joining the Space Corps, worked as a professional
>psychiatrist in a mental hospital. Shortly afterwards, Patrick started to
>pick up his patients' insanities. Eventually he was fired after interviewing
>a psychotic and then tearing up the building with a chainsaw. He became a
>phone counselor and talked to six people, who all committed suicide the next
>day, before he was fired. He then signed up in the Space Corps medical
>division as a psychiatrist. On the entrance exam he wrote that he was King
>Richard the Lionhearted one thousand times and, despite this, passed with
>nearly perfect marks.
> Patrick picked up even more insanities in the Space Corps as he was
>shunted from ship to ship, transferred at the request of the captains on the
>grounds that the chief psychiatrist should be saner than the patients he
>treats. He has served on forty different ships in the last nine months, none
>for more than three weeks.
> Recently, a cure has been developed for his condition that takes the
>form of a blue pill loaded with chemicals that affect the glands in the
>brain. The pill doesn't actually cure him, but makes him hallucinate he's a
>sane psychiatrist. He is now more or less sane when he's taken his pill,
>except for the occasional hallucination that he is invincible or can fly. It
>was this pill that gave him the idea that all mental problems could be cured
>through drugs and technology. This might not be such a large problem, except
>it also gave him the idea that everybody is suffering from at least one
>mental illness and therefore needs curing.
>Quote/saying/Piece of advice
>"Oh great, yet another chance to peer into the mind of a deranged
>psychopath. Joy."
>> Now we would like to know a little bit about you (the player)
>> 1) Which country do you live in?
>> 2) Have you had experience with this kind of roll playing game before?
>> 3)Where did you hear about our happy little sim from?
> several months ago
>> 4) If you signed on as a lurker (someone who reads the story but does
>> not participate) then please tell us here.

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