'Moments of glory or should that be stupidity'

Blue Dwarf
1020 hours
Donover had to hiding in the 'Black eyes' bar until Commander Niples had given up in his search for the security officer. Now, all would have been fine but for what happened next.
Donover looked around the bar noticing that strangely enough there were no security officers that were on duty in the bar. It was almost empty but for the barkeep, a young woman and three rough looking men. Now, these rough looking men were giving the woman a rough time refusing to leave her along. This was when Donover had either the bravest or the most stupid idea within god knows how long.
The security officer walked up to the men, trying his best to hide the fear of being between to a nasty mush and called out in his most threaten tone of voice. "Leave her alone!"
The three men looked down at the security officer that was now dreading the mistake he had just made and one snarled. "Ya talking da dus!"
Great, Donover throught, big mean and with the most basic grasp of the English language. His brain was telling him to run but something inside of him, maybe it was the sense of duty, maybe honour, but he couldn't just leave the woman with these three men. He then ordered, only less forceful. "I told you to leave her alone."
"Oh, look. A copper!" Another of the three men said.
Donover gulped and began to wonder how to get out this alive.
By now the three men had their attention on Donover and the woman slipped away unnoticed.
"Look… err… I think I've made a mistake." Donover said. "I'll be going now."
"Ya nut going anywhere!" One of the men snapped.
"I'm sure we can discuss this like civilised people." Donover said.
"De dust call dus civilised! Get dim!"
With this Donover legged it with three angry men chasing after him. However he barely made it to the doorway when it was block… by the seven foot tall form of Jackson and the sergeant wasn't alone as he was with four other security officers. For once his luck was looking up.
"Oh dell!" One of the men commented and then they turned and fled, only then remembering that there was only one way in and out of the bar.
Donover and Jackson watched as the four other security officers set upon the men like a pack of hungry wolves and Donover throught 'I'm sure that isn't to bend that way'.

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