Re: Royaly pissed off with men.

<<Joint post between Tara and Alota to big so there is going to have to be a part two>>
People: Alota, Tara, Wildflower
Time: pass
Tara was in the medi-bay sat on a medi-bed with a plaster cast on her leg and ointment keto got her for her elbow. The crutches she needed to walk where on the other side of the room, there was only one option,
"Wildflower?" the ensign came bouncing into the room,
"Can you please pass me my crutches?" Wildflower skipped over and got Tara her crutches then bounced into Keto's office where a loud crash was heard. Tara stood up and hobbled out of the medi-bay only to be confronted by Harris,
"Where is that blue haired freak?"
"I'm sorry, which freak are you talking about?"
"I'm sorry Harris I don't know". Tara started thinking 'I wonder why Harris's voice is one octave higher then his usual? Oh well I'll find out later'. Harris marched off in his usual manor.
Tara had decided to go and see her chum Alota. She tapped on the door and it swooshed open to reveal Alota crying into her pillow.
"Whats the matter Alota?" Tara asked concerned, Alota got up and showed her the big purpley blue bruise that was forming around her neck.
"How did that happen?"
"Harris strangled me"
"Oh, so what did you do?"
"Kicked him in the groin"
"Thats why his voice is an octave higher, he sounds like a chipmunk". Tara tossed her a pot of ointment 8Z9 anti-bruise cream,
"You can have it" Alota looked dubious
"Gee thanks" she said sarcasticly, Tara pulled a face at Alota.
"Hey Alota, do you want to go to Parrots to cheer up?"
"Sure why not". Tara hobbled out the door on her crutches and followed by Alota who was rubbing ointment 8Z9 on her neck.

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