Alota's latest post

(I'm passing this on for Alota)
Then all of sudden, when the sane part of Harris' mind, one sane part
against two trully thirds now that isn't a fair fight, regained control
Harris dropped to his kness with a almost lifeless look in his eyes and then
he muttered. "I hate my life!"
"So you hate your life huh?" Alota walked over to Harris and pulled him to
his feet.
"Come on, lets go to my quarters so we can talk in private" Alota didn't
give Harris the chance to reply.On the way she picked up the combat knife to
make sure Harris or anyother person got hold of it. She started marching him
along the promanard and saw Tara dangling from the top 'Ah I'll leave Phil
to sort that out'. They got inside Alota's quarters and Alota motioned
Harris to sit down at the table. She then brought him a drink of water and
placed it down in front of him.
"OK, spill",
"I hate my life"
"Well duh, you don't run around with a combat knife then throw it at me for
"Why do you care?"
"Because I do".

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