Harris \'Run Kayn Run... pt2 Franky\'s going to get yea!\'

Especially the very very very very annoyed visage of Frank Harris
walking down the corridor towards him with a large combat knife and a
look of insanity
Harris' insane gaze turned to Kayn and he sniggered evily. Then he
shouted. "Come here you blue haired little runt!"
With that Kayn legged it with the insane Major chasing after him with
every mind of doing something so evil it made even him shudder.
The Major chased Kayn into one of the cargo bays, which happened to
be very badly lit, that was a maze of large transport continers.
This was going to be interesting Harris throught as he began to stalk
through the maze-like cargo bay.
(Is there anyone out there insane or brave enough to try and talk
Harris of doing something very nasty to Kayn?)

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