BLUE DWARF TIMES!!!! (Finally, yes)

Dear Group,
Yes, I know what you're thinking. Why on earth has it taken
Shakespeare so bloody long to write a simple monthly magazine. He's
had a month as it is. Well, I have no excuse. FOr which I
apologise. However, along with the new BDT, there is a simple
navigation system with which you can choose any month's issue you
I hope you like the new BDT and the new nav layout. Feedback is
very welcomed :D As are more contributions.
Also, DJ, I have to agreew ith you. Mike ruled over Joel. and the
10th (and sadly final) series was my favourite of them all. And
funnily enough in the tenth series two of the main characters were
also called Bobo and Pearl. :)
Thankyou very much for those contributuions:
Stewie, Whitewolf and Zack.
Doc Shakesey.

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