Ensign Steev MAcKenzyyyyyyyyyyy
Engine room
Steev stumbled into the engine room, after a 48 hour session of having his
head panel-beaten by Ventrite. The beating had cleared his headache, but
had the side effects of making him a diligent, hardworking employee of the
Space Corps for a full 3.4 minutes.
"What's the trouble here?" he asked the greasemonkeys.
"Nothing??? YOu're work-dodging aren't you?"
"Take a look for yourself sir."
It was a long climb, but what the hell, the good feeling was going to run
out soon. Climbing up the ladder, peeling off into a backwards somersault
off the top rung and sliding into the repair bay he checked everything. No
problems. No problems! For pete's sake didn't these engines read Science
fiction??? Not to worry, there must be...
Just then, the good feeling wore off. Immediately Steev couldn't be
bothered any more. "No problems...good. I'm missing the widget anyway." he
thought. Oh well, better go report it....
Steev thought about calling over the lift, but decided he couldn't be
bothered with that, and simply yelled "CATCH" and rolled off the balcony.
teev barrelled into one of the grease-monkeys, sending him flying across the
room into a big heap of spanners. "A soft landing" Steev decided. The
gresemonkey just groaned abuse through his broken jaw. Steev sighed and
gave him a pill Ventrite gave him. "whatever it does, I'm sure it'll do
nothing useful"
The he headed for Smegg's office....
Down in Main engineering,
"Sir, there's nothing wrong with the engines" Steev reported.
"What do you mean theres nothing wrong with the engines?" was Smegg's reply.
"Theres always something wrong with the engines! So go and find something!"
"Yes sir!" said Steev with more enthusiasm than he actually felt.
He then turned on his heel and walked out.
Outside, en route to engine room
Smegg! His ineptitude as an engineer (Steev thought about the bleepy thing
in the thingamajig and gave a snort of superiority) had already made itself
clear, now I have to find something that isn't there! When I get my hands
on him in a dark alleyway I'll...
But as usual, Steev's natural paranoia reasserted itself and waved hello
with a large bazookoid at his self-confidence.
"I'll....get my arse kicked," Steev concluded. "He'll kick me in and then
laugh at my name! He will! HE WILL!!! ARRRRGHHH!!!!!!"
and at that moment the ship collided with some asteroids, throwing Steev
across the room, headfirst into a metal beam.
Rather than head for a cupboard or just lie there for a bit, something
strange and incomprehensible happened. Steev got to his feet, backflipped,
and started jogging toward the engine room.
"Problem, problem problem! Gotta be a problem!!!"
For Steev had become....
But for how long? Time would tell...
Engine room
Steev headed into the room. The greasemonkey had just started staring at
the walls and giggling after the pill, when SUPER ENGINEER picked him up and
threw him at the inflatable giraffe, or for the non-drugged, the piping
networks. The grease monkey crashed through them, still giggling. There
was an almighty hissing and popping as the engines ground to a halt.
Steev turned around and ran to Smegg's office
<<OOC:- as you can tell, I'm back in business :-)>>
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