Harris 'You think you have it bad'

"Oh, is that it?" Harris merely commented.
"Whoa matey I haven't even started". Alota told Harris.
"You have no one to bound with." Harris leapt in before Alota could continue.
"Well that's just too bad because no matter how bad your life is at the moment
there's someone who's also worse! Take mine for example shall we, I'm two
thirds insane and my memory only goes back eleven years back. I have no idea
about my family apart from my brother and I may have a sister but only there is
a reply from Earth I haven't a clue that she may or may not be family. Every
since my strink left I have had no one to talk to and most of all I never wanted
to be on this rustbucket of a ship! There is only one thing left for me and
that work! Now, madam, how does your life compare to mine?!"
(Alright Alota, your turn)

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