
The auditions were over and Tara was pleased about the results of the Robot Wars competition. Tara decided to walk to Parrots. She was so deep in thought that she never noticed the 0 G anouncement, or the fact that she stoped moving because she was in mid-air tring to walk. Tara awoke from her deep thoughts to find she was upside down. After 10 minutes fighting with the zero G till she was upright a zero G foot ball came flying down the corridor and hit her at full pelt. This sent her into a spin that would last forever. The zero G ball was closely followed by two crew members playing a one-on-one match,
"Sorry" said crew member Jakson
"Yea soz" said ensign Kings. Tara barley noticed this because by now she was so dizzy she passed out.
She was not spining when she awoke. The hall she was in was quiet 'must be the corridor to my quarters' Tara thought she tried to walk to the doors but failed miserably so decided the best way was to swim to the doors. As Tara was a gold medal winning swimmer this was not hard. Faint mumbeling were coming from behind the door Tara heard
"All I have to do is wait now" It was a voice that sounded rather like Phil's. Tara swam up to the doors of her quarters and opened the doors. As the doors swooshed open and enabeled Tara to see in she gasped in shock and screamed "Oh smeg it's you!" Evil Phil grabbed Tara and pulled her into the room,
"Saddam!" said EP "Yes oh mighty one" said the personality challenged AI
"Put a lock down of the highest order on these doors and if and anyone tries to get it zap em with 1000 volts of electricity"
"Yes oh glorious leader" said the posessed AI. As Evil Phil was saing this he tied Tara up and gagged her,
"Now. I can understand why Phil fell for you. You are really quite pretty"
"bmm fmmmmhmhjsmmm" said Tara under the gag
"Don't fret now I have so much to tell you. But first we will play a little game" Evil Phil turned around and got something from Taras desk. Evil Phil turned to face Tara but this time he had a holowhip in his hands "I would be carefull how you answer these questions" EP ripped the gag off "I so like to here people suffering"
"Your mad" said Tara
"I wouldn't have said that if I were you" and EP hit Tara with the holowhip. She screamed...

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