Making a hash of things

Making a hash of things

"Yes, Mr. Harris, the Captain IS aware of Zack's presence."
Stewie didn't like court. Ever since he learn't law at university. He seemed afraid
of it. He looked at Harris, Lloyd Longwood. Harris didn't seem to like playing by
the book. Well he DID start it. Well Lloyd started it. Anyway, Stewie spoke to Zack,
"You have caused me a lot of grief recently Mr. Richards,"
"I know, I know" he replied,
"It all started with this agents thing, then there was your row with Cubie now
agents again. You better speak with the Captain and Ms. Padbury regarding this court
case. See if they can run it. I'm pretty sure the Captain will favour me, but go
anyway. Understand?"
"Yes, Mr. McKenzie."[Zack, over to you. You better contact the Captain and Ms. Padbury then. Is Cubie
a good lawyer?]
Stewie sighed. Court cases were like gambling. You could win or lose. If you lost, you lost
lots and lots of money. If you won, you got lots of money. The only person who could
help him, was his personal solicitor, Mr. Lawrence Hash. Lawrence was an android and
was based on the planet Kolosteamie 7. Stewie decided to ask the Promenade Director or the Captain, preferbally the Captain, on asking permission of allowing Mr. Hash to enter the ship.
To be continued ...Do You Yahoo!?Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

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