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The 3,000,000 Year Old Virgin Part 2
Posted byPosted: Dec 21, 2014, 6:31pm
After that Evelina grabbed Jaxx’s arm and escorted him farther down the strip till they arrived at the Fuzzy Idol Karaoke Bar. Jaxx was not sure what he was looking at till he saw a male mouse on the stage singing
Sexy Thing (hot chocolate- the mouse song)
A male mouse was really getting into his song as it looked like he was trying to serenade a female mouse in the audience. The female mouse was nervously watching the male mouse as he performed on stage with all might. Then towards the end of the song the male mouse pulled a large wedge of cheese off the table of a very overweight female mouse who was also watching the male mouse sing. As the male mouse was trying to charm the young nervous female mouse with the cheese wedge, he was hammered to the ground by the large purse of the overweight female mouse. As Jaxx and Evelina watched the violent display it turns out through many cross words that the male mouse was married to the overweight female mouse and he was being unfaithful again. Evelina nudged Jaxx and said, “He is getting off pretty light. If you cheated on me I would not be so nice.” Jaxx turned beet red as he nervously looked at Evelina who was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Jaxx managed to swallow and reply, “You’re like scaring me Eve babe.” Evelina giggled as she grabbed Jaxx’s arm and replied, “You’re so cute when you’re scared. Let’s have some fun ok.” Jaxx nervously rubbed the back of his head as he agreed. Evelina quickly led Jaxx to an empty table near the front of the stage. After a short while a female mouse waitress came by and took their drink order. Jaxx and Evelina watched as the next performer who was a weird looking green alien creature. It was hard to tell the gender of the alien for Jaxx or Evelina, but the audience seemed to know who she was as they cheered her on by the name Zeria. Zeria used a bar stool and a disco ball to enhance her performance.
I Will Survive - Alien Song
As the female was near the end of her song the disco ball fell on her head and knocked her to the ground leaving shattered disco ball parts on the floor around her. Jaxx and Evelina were shocked by this and were about to help her when the audience cheered loudly for her. Then Zeria stood up and brushed herself off as he thanked the audience. Jaxx and Evelina were a bit confused but after hearing the conversations nearby they eventually figured out it was part of her performance. Apparently Zeria had been doing this kind of performance for a while now. While the waiters were cleaning up the broken disco ball Evelina looked at Jaxx and said, “Hey Jaxx lets sing our song ok?” Jaxx looked confused as he was in deep thought till he saw the irritated look on Evelina’s face as he nervously rubbed the back of his head and replied, “Like which one was that again Eve babe?” Evelina sighed as she composed herself and replied, “Just come with me and it will come to you.” Jaxx shrugged as Evelina dragged him by the arm on stage. As Jaxx watched Evelina sort through the choices on the screen he suddenly realized that Evelina was talking about the song they sang at Whiskerman’s Ball. Jaxx nervously replied, “Oh yeah my bad Eve babe. I guess my melon is still a bit thrashed.” Evelina smiled as she replied, “I’ll forgive you since you have been through a lot but please try to remember this from now on.” Jaxx nervously rubbed the back of his head and replied, “Cha totally Eve babe.” After the mice finished cleaning up Evelina greeted the crowd and broke into their song.
Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy
Jaxx and Evelina really got into the song as they appeared very lovey-dovey on the stage. After the song was over they received a nice applause from the crowd. Evelina then looked at Jaxx and said, “Now it’s your turn Jaxx pick out a few songs to sing to me ok?” Jaxx was nervous but lacked the courage to tell Evelina no. The mere thought of seeing her sad or angry at him was far worse so he nervously agreed and searched for a few decent songs to sing to Evelina. After picking a few songs out Jaxx saw a black fedora hat by some of the stage props and put it on as he turned to the audience and said, “Like let’s get this started folks.” Then Jaxx broke out with his first lounge song.
Richard Cheese - Let's Get It Started
Jaxx began singing like a lounge singer. During Jaxx’s song everyone was laughing and dancing in their chairs. Jaxx’s performance was very amusing and Evelina was trying not to hurt herself laughing. Seeing Evelina laugh made Jaxx relieved since he had brought her so much pain in the past. After Jaxx’s song was over he received a large applause. After the applause Jaxx said, “Thanks. You folks are like way to cool. Like here’s a lil ditty about my life groin up.”
"Weird Al" Yankovic - I Think I'm A Clone Now
Jaxx began dancing in a 1980’s fashion. During Jaxx’s song everyone was laughing and dancing in their chairs again. Evelina was highly amused by Jaxx’s dancing and singing as she cheered him on. After the crowd’s applause Jaxx said, “Thank ya fellow dudes and dudettes. This song like brings me back to snuggling with my most awesome Eve babe in to a most radical dream world.”
Jaxx did a silly lounge dance while singing his song and quickly amused the audience as well as Evelina again. The constant laughter was starting to hurt Evelina’s stomach but she refused to stop Jaxx’s performance. After the crowd’s applause Jaxx said, “Thanks ya fellow dudes and dudettes. Like this next song like best describes my gnarly adventures with my new awesome wife.”
Top Secret - surf scene
Jaxx began doing a surf dance. As Jaxx sang the crowd went wild with laughter and chair dancing. Evelina was laughing so hard she had to fight the urge to tinkle. The torture of laughter was starting to take its toll on her but she held it in so she would not miss Jaxx’s performance. After the crowd’s applause Jaxx said, “You folks are most kind and cool. Like when I first met my awesome Eve babe I suffered some hardcore damage to my melon and this lil ditty best describes me.”
Richard Cheese: Insane in the Membrane
Jaxx went back to his lounge dance again. While Jaxx sang the crowd went wild with laughter and began rolling on the floor holding their stomachs. Evelina found herself fighting the urge to tinkle as she was laughing hard. As the chorus came on a few rats in gangster suits came on sang in the background with a few brass instruments to play along. The torture of laughter was continuing to take its toll on her as she crossed her legs uncomfortably. Jaxx high fived the rats as he thanked them for their support. After the crowd’s applause Jaxx said, “You dudes and dudettes rock. This next lil ditty is dedicated to my sweet and radical wife. Eve babe it totally warms the cockles of my heart to know what a cockle is, but when I heard this lil ditty it so reminded me of you. I totally hope you like it.”
Richard Cheese - Baby Got Back
While Jaxx sang the crowd went nuts with laughter and began gyrating on the floor. Evelina again found herself fighting the urge to tinkle as she was laughing hard watching Jaxx perform. The torture of nonstop laughter was making Evelina laugh so hard tears began rolling down her cheeks. After the crowd’s applause Evelina couldn’t take it any more as she ran to the bathroom as she told Jaxx he was too funny. Jaxx watched Evelina wave as she passed him to go to the bathroom and said, “Was it something I said?” The crowd laughed even harder till Evelina came out of the bathroom feeling relieved. Evelina approached Jaxx on the stage and kissed him on the cheek and took the microphone away and said, “Oh Jaxx baby you made me laugh to hard. I think I hurt myself.” Jaxx nervously rubbed the back of his head as he apologized and made his way back to the table.
Evelina smiled at the crowd and said, “Give it up for my main man folks.” The rodents cheered loudly for a good while. Then Evelina said, “Well I found a few songs that I hope you all enjoy. I would like to dedicate them to that sexy shark man in my life. This is for you Jaxx.”
Avril Lavigne - You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
As Evelina sang and danced the crowd went wild with dancing and chair grooving. Jaxx smiled as he listened to the power of Evelina’s song. He could tell she was feeling very passionate and wanted Jaxx to pay attention to her. As she sang Jaxx could feel a nervous twinge in his chest and nether regions. After the crowd’s applause Evelina said, “You folks are too kind. I hoped you liked it sweety because there is more to come.”
Avril Lavigne - Give You What You Like
As Evelina sang and swayed to the slow song the crowd silently swayed to the beat. Jaxx continued to nervously smile as he listened to the passion of Evelina’s slow song. As Evelina sang Jaxx could feel the nervous twinge in his chest and nether regions grow stronger. Jaxx was becoming even more nervous as Evelina watched him with lustful eyes. After the song the crowd gave Evelina a big applause, Evelina said, “Thank you very much. That was for my dear sweet Jaxx. For my next song I just want to remind my man what’s important in life and if you ever leave me……………I’ll find you.” Evelina gave Jaxx a grin similar to a cat about to eat a bird. Jaxx nervously sipped his drink to help him with the dry lump in his throat.
Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing
As Evelina sang and danced to the energetic song the crowd got very excited. Jaxx continued to nervously smile as he felt the passion of Evelina’s powerful song. As Evelina sang Jaxx could feel the nervous twinge in his chest and nether regions grow even stronger. Jaxx was becoming extremely nervous as Evelina watched him with her possessive eyes. After the song the crowd gave Evelina a big applause Evelina said, “Aww you guys are so sweet. Thank you so much. And remember Jaxx you will never have it better anywhere else. For my next song I just want to spend the rest of our days having fun.”
Avril Lavigne - Sippin' On Sunshine
As Evelina sang and danced to the fun pop song the crowd started grooving in their chairs. Jaxx continued to smile as he began to feel less stress on his body. As Evelina sang Jaxx could feel warm and happy feelings for a change. After the song, the crowd gave Evelina a big applause Evelina said, “Thank you so much you guys are so awesome. You know some times bad things happen and we are forced to be away from those we care about so Jaxx this is what you mean to me when you were gone.”
Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
As Evelina sang and swayed to the slow passionate song the crowd got mellow and listened. Jaxx continued to nervously smile as he felt the passion of Evelina’s powerful song yet again. As Evelina sang Jaxx could feel the nervous twinge in his chest and nether regions continue to grow even stronger than before. Jaxx was becoming extremely nervous as Evelina watched him with her loving possessive eyes. His heart was pounding and his pants were getting tighter and tighter. After the song the crowd gave Evelina a stand ovation. Evelina said, “Thank you so much. That was for my Jaxx. I hope you liked it. For my next song I just wanted you to know Jaxx that you are my reason for smiling.”
Avril Lavigne - Smile
As Evelina sang and danced to the energetic song the crowd got very excited. Jaxx continued to nervously smile as he felt the passion of Evelina’s powerful song. As Evelina sang her song Jaxx could feel the nervous twinge in his chest and nether regions grow even stronger and more painful. Jaxx was extremely nervous as Evelina watched him with loving eyes. Jaxx thought his heart was going to explode at any second but did his best to keep it together. After the song the crowd gave Evelina a huge applause. Evelina said, “Aww you guys rock. Thank you so much for your support.” Evelina stepped off the stage and hugged Jaxx with intense affection. Jaxx hugged her back even though he was in pain and a bit shaky. The crowd began chanting for an encore for a few minutes till Evelina pulled Jaxx back on the stage for another song. Evelina conned Jaxx into doing one more song so he agreed and flipped through the screen again till he found one that he liked. Then Jaxx took the microphone and kept Evelina on the stage as he said, “This is a cool lil song so like I hope ya dig it.”
As Jaxx sang the Korean song Evelina began laughing and quickly began doing the Gungan Style dance. Evelina had learned this dance from a prior model shoot a long time ago. Jaxx did his best to copy the dance moves on the video screen which was very entertaining to the audience as well as Evelina. It didn’t take long till the audience was up and dancing on the floor trying to mimic Jaxx’s moves. After the song was over Evelina hugged Jaxx and asked him, “Where did you learn to speak Korean?” Jaxx looked confused at Evelina and replied, “What’s Korean?” Evelina couldn’t help but laugh at Jaxx’s response. As the crowd calmed down they cheered Evelina for one more song so Evelina made Jaxx sit on a chair she placed in the middle of the stage. Then Evelina looked at Jaxx with lustful eyes and said, “This is for you Jaxx.” Evelina selected her song and then waited for her cue to sing.
Avril Lavigne - Bad Girl
As Jaxx watched Evelina’s performance he thought he was going to die. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, his groin was sore and tender and his body was going into shock. Jaxx was practically paralyzed as Evelina seductively taunted him with her performance. When the end of the song came Jaxx felt relieved and slowly regained his composure as Evelina hugged him. The crowd went wild and many of the customers left with their dates for some “Alone Time”. Seeing that Jaxx looked a bit stressed She decided to take Jaxx to her next planned event.