Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Three Degrees of Seperation
Posted byPosted: Aug 20, 2014, 8:56pm
Jay fired up the cockpits thrusters, while the two larger sections fell away, and parachutes unfurled from under hatches on the hull and they floated harmlessly ground-wards – the cockpit now the only heat signature for the missiles to lock onto.
More manouverable now, Jay found it much easier to avoid the missiles.
“Six missiles still tracking us Jay..” Cass said glancing at her monitor.
“This isn’t gonna work..” said Jay “I need to head somewhere they can’t follow…”
“Like where?...woah!” Cass said as the bug spun suddenly and spiralled downward sending her stomach into her throat.
The cockpit splashed down into the ocean, and plunged deep under the surface, the missiles all detonating harmlessly on the surface. Jay pulled up, and the cockpit broke the surface again before the water logged engines cut out and the module dropped out of the air where it landed on the water and floated aimlessly.
“See...” Jay said “Told you we should have gone hard and fast…”
<tag - we’re separated – I’ll let you decide whether you’re in the mid or rear sections we’ve room for a fourth in the cockpit (but Jaxx, I’ve split you and Eve up on purpose – more chance for you to develop them both individually)
We’ve a few options
- Head to the base
- Track down the Ssala to see what they know
- Find Efof…
Lets go get the old gimmer.>
After Jay’s landing Jaxx looked at Jay and Cass and smirked as he replied, “That was totally radical bro. Your mad flying skills are intense Jay dude.” Jay and Cass looked at Jaxx to see if he was serious as Jaxx undid his seatbelt. Jaxx was wearing his MACO speedo, Hawaiian shirt and backpack. Then Jaxx looked out the window and said, “Well Jay dude we are in my most righteous element now so like I’ll get us to the shore and stuff while you both use your melons to plan somthin out.” Jaxx looked around and grabbed a long docking tether by the door and opened it. Then Jaxx jumped into the ocean and swam to the front of the ship and attached the tether to it before he tied the other end around his waist. After going under water and feeling the flow of the currents Jaxx figured the way the tide was moving before he began swimming towards land while dragging the smaller ship module. It was going to be a long swim and Jaxx was worried about Evelina. He now regretted leaving her side to talk to Jay at the last second but like all things in his past he had to accept that it is what it is and move on. Jaxx kept focus on his task of making it to shore with the others as he continued to think about finding Evelina.
As Jaxx continued to swim he felt a presence in the water that he had not felt in a long time. As Jaxx used his underwater senses he thought out loud,” Franky? Is that you?” After a pause Jaxx heard a telepathic voice in his head reply, “Oceans to Murgatroyd even, what brings you out here my young apprentice?” Franky the Squid is the last known of the Calamar race. Calamars have long tentacles and long spider legs and a bulbous head. Two large pockets of skin grow on either side of their bodies are used for squirting water to increase speed. When a Calamar swims using the water jets it drastically increases its speed three times. Calamars also have a smaller gland that releases ink to cloud the water and allow them to escape any predators. Their skin color ranges in a variety shades of pink. They are carnivores, but have been known to eat plants for medicine. Franky was also the last of the Calamar Monks who at one time were the representatives of the religious part of the Calamar. They are very similar to human Shaolin Monks in many ways. They prefer to not fight unless necessary, they meditate often, they study history and traditional medicine and they practice Zen-Kata. Zen-Kata is a form of aquatic martial arts, which is highly effective.
Jaxx thought, “Dude it’s a mondo drag. Ya see one of our crew dudes got jacked and we like came to free him from his most unrighteous captors.” Franky replied, “Oh my even, that sounds horrible even. By the way even how goes your lessons?” Jaxx nervously thought, “Umm about that, I like had some most heinous problems.” Suddenly a long tentacle appeared from the murky depths of the ocean and attached to Jaxx’s forehead as Jaxx was still swimming. Jaxx knew he was in trouble now since Franky was linked to his mind. Jaxx did his best to block his thoughts from Franky only to find Franky respond via telepathy again, “Oceans to Murgatroyd even you have neglecting your training my dear boy. What gives even?” Jaxx replied, “Sorry Franky I was like totally trapped as a skutter for a while.” Franky thought, “My dear boy do you really take me for a fool even?” Jaxx thought, “Naaww Franky it’s just that…..” Franky thought, “My dear boy I can clearly see you have done well in your whip training even but would you mind explaining to me why you have yet to do one lesson in diplomacy even?” Jaxx was now nervous that he was busted as he thought, “Sorry Franky dude but like that stuff is super hard.” Franky thought, “Oceans to Murgatroyd by boy if you don’t do both parts you’ll never finish your training even.” Jaxx was sad now as he thought, “My bad Franky dude I’ll totally try to catch up on that stuff.” Franky thought, “Good boy even, however as long as your hear I need a favor.” Jaxx thought, “Like ok Franky what is it?” Franky thought, “I want you to take me to your ship even.” Jaxx thought, “Well like it may be harder bro since this one is like broken and stuff.”
Franky thought, “I see even, very well then I imagine we can do this the hard way.” Jaxx thought, “Like wuts the hard way?” Franky replied, “I’m sorry Jaxx but am dying and I was hoping to find a way to extend my life on your ship.” Jaxx thought, “It’s cool Franky but I’m totally clueless on that stuff unlike the others.” Franky then thought, “Oceans to Murgatroyd even, don’t sweat it my boy I’ll just use your body as a host till we get back to your Blue Dwarf and your scientists can clone me a new body. In the meantime even I will oversee your training personally.” Jaxx thought, “Umm I like don’t get the feeling I have a choice on this huh?” Franky thought, “I’m sorry Jaxx even but we are talking about my race here even. If I can find a way to make more clones it’s possible to bring back my people even.” Jaxx nodded as he thought, “Like ok Franky but like please don’t mess things up with my Eve babe.” Franky thought, “Oh so you married the girl you rescued from last time even, how sweet even. Normally I would frown upon an apprentice or monk getting married even, but these are desperate times for us.” Jaxx thought, “Huh wut cha mean Franky?” Franky thought, “Normally we are to be celibate in our order my dear boy, but as you can see we are short on members even.” Jaxx then thought, “So like how do we do this Franky dude.” Franky thought, “Well my dear boy I’ll inject you with some of my barbs and then transfer my mind into yours even.” Jaxx thought, “Ok Franky I’m ready.” Suddenly another arm shot up from the murky depths of the ocean and wrapped around Jaxx’s waist. Jaxx stopped swimming as the barbs sunk into Jaxx’s waist and broke off inside Jaxx. Suddenly the tentacles attached to his head and waist released Jaxx and disappeared into the murky depths. Jaxx rubbed his sore waist as he heard a voice in his head say, “Oceans to Murgatroyd it worked even. Well my dear boy I believe we have a lot of ground to cover now so we can talk as we swim even.” Jaxx replied, “Sure Franky dude. Maybe you like might know something that could like help and stuff.” As Jaxx dragged the command module with Jay and Cass aboard he and Franky talked about what had happened since they last met.
Evelina held on tight next to Jamie as they were floating down via parachute. She was upset that Jaxx changed chairs right before Jay split up the Star Bug into three sections. She was hoping to spend more time with Jaxx on Fernando’s but now she was denied by the hostile jerks trying to kill them. Evelina looked at Jamie and asked, “Looks like we are gonna have to depend on you to find the others Jamie since you know this place.” Jamie nodded as he replied, “Looks that way.” Evelina replied, “Well I still have my back pack but my supplies and weapons are limited.” Jamie replied, “Yeah after we touch down we will need to collect whatever we can before they can find us.” Evelina nodded as she pulled her pistol from her leg holster and checked it over before she put it back. Evelina took a deep breath before she thought about being apart from Jaxx again. While in deep thought Evelina muttered, “It’s just not fair. I just got him back.” Jamie replied, “I’m sure Jaxx will be fine. He is with Jay and Cass and he is pretty tough to boot.” Evelina tried to smile as she replied, “I just hope he keeps his promise,” Jamie was confused by Evelina’s comment as he could clearly see her troubled face. Evelina looked away and said, “Sorry Jamie, just focus on keeping us safe for now.” Evelina was doing her best to put on a brave face for her situation. Eventually the module landed and they had to scavenge for supplies and leave before any welcoming party found them.