Major Harris 'Matters of security'

Blue Dwarf
Harris looked over the promenade with a watchfull eye from the promenade's upper floor, which just happened to be a favoute spot for people to throw themselves from.
It all was happening lately, the captain's death and Niples taking over as 'acting captain'. However this left the post of first officer left open meaning that sooner or later one of the senior staff would be promoted to the post. Harris could just imagion the backstabing that would take place. Not only was it just matters of the ship's chain of command but Jill had recently put herself through some major upgrades to avoid detection yet again.
Harris knew that some of the security staff were rebuilding the remains of a troop killer for that Robot Design & Combat Competition. The giant killer robot's had been brought aboard ship from the first away mission for some strange reason. No doubt those that the robots builders will lose control of their robots and they'll run amok through the ship causing havoc.
Harris watched as Alota and moments later Lloyd left Owen's bar. Thankfully the war between the two main bars had seemed to die down.
Harris started to drum his fingers against the rail and then he saw that OAP (old age pickpocket) was up to her old ways again. Harris merely muttered and then began down towards the main floor of the promenade.

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