
"See!" Cass said, chuckling and gesturing for Jade to catch up "Told you nothing bad was going to happen"
She held out her terminal, proffering a view of the display as Jade hurried over towards her "Look here..."
Her fingers danced over the screen, highlighting a half-dozen data schematics "No life signs, no temporal or dimensional activity... No weird field signatures... Other than the power source here, the jungle's got more going on in it"
“Yeah, but all the same,” Jade grumbled "it just felt wrong when I stepped into this barren area; it was like I was pushing through a force field or something. Did you not feel it?"
"Nope" Cass shook her head "If there was anything here, I'd have a reading - You sure you didn't imagine it?"
Jade frowned “I guess I must have” she conceded sceptically
“Anyway, nothing to worry about" Cass said brightly "Let’s see if we can find that power source, shall we?”

The two women skirted around the base of the ruined pyramid, Cass scanning the structure while Jade just trailed along beside her, unable to shake the nagging sense of unease gnawing at the back of her mind
Coming to a halt about half way around the pyramid, Cass frowned down at her terminal before raising it to head height to begin moving it around in a wide arc, scanning the pyramid
“That’s kinda weird...” her frown deepened as she examined the screen
“What?” Jade demanded, her feelings of disquiet suddenly escalating
“It seems like there’s something inside” Cass murmured, initiating a few extra scans
“I really don’t like this”
Favouring her with a sideways glance, Cass tapped away at the screen “There’s not a whole lot on this rock other than cute, fluffy animals" she said "And besides: We’ve got the drones with us - They should be able to handle anything up to about the size of an elephant”
Mutely shaking her head, Jade turned to gaze nervously out across the ruined city, her eyes taking in the jumbled mass of ruined buildings, being slowly reclaimed by the jungle
“Yeah, there’s definitely a chamber or something inside...”
Cass!” Jade suddenly grabbed her friends arm, making her start and wheel
“The fuck!?”
“There’s...” Jade tailed off; squinting out into the bright sunlight for a moment before frowning and shaking her head “I thought... thought I saw something”
“What did you see? Where?”
“I dunno” Jade blew out a breath and pointed out across the ruins “It was to the right of that collapsed tower over there... About our height, but definitely not human; maybe a quadruped?”
“You sure?” Cassandra's green eyes scanned the tumbledown buildings before she bent over her terminal to initiate a scan. The drones skittered nervously around them
“I... No” Jade shook her head “It was like there was something watching us; but only for a second”
“Scan’s not showing anything. Shall we go check it out?”
“No!” Jade’s panicked yelp of refusal sounded like an intrusion in the suddenly silent forest around them
“That's weird” Cass breathed
The only sound they could hear was the gentle patter of the drone’s choreographed, defensive dance around them, until they too came to a halt, to listen intently
For a moment, everything was still.
Nothing moved or happened until a sudden wind blew from out of nowhere; beginning as a mere susurration amongst the leaves it quickly built into a howling roar that tore through the treetops towards them, the thrashing motion of the branches startling hundreds of birds into the air in a multi-coloured display of avian panic
An alarm simultaneously screeched from Cassandra’s terminal
“What the fuck!?” she snapped, frowning down at its screen “This is...”
“Move!” Jade screamed, catching hold of Cass by one of her wrists and hauling her along behind her as her unease gave way to full blown panic and she turned to bolt back the way they had come

Clearing the scorched area of rock around the pyramid in less than a minute, the two women sprinted wildly back towards the cover of the jungle; Cass only chancing a glance back over her shoulder after another minute, as they were approaching the city limits
“Wait. Wait” she called, slowing to a trot and then finally a halt to turn and look back behind them as the three drones quickly caught up and slid to a halt around her
There were no signs of any pursuit
“Why are we running?”
Jade came to a stop some distance away and, breathing heavily, turned to wordlessly shake her head
Cass gestured expansively at the ruined city around them “There’s nothing”
“Okay” Jade gasped between gulps of air “Okay – You’ve got me there; what about your terminal?”
"It crashed. It's STCP kit, so it shouldn't; but it just did..."
Standing stock-still for a moment, the two women scanned their surroundings in tense, watchful silence, their senses alert for anything untoward
The warm, late afternoon sun shone brightly overhead, the birds twittered merrily in the trees, and insects buzzed lazily through the air, wafted here and there by the cooling whisper of a breeze that played refreshingly across their sweat prickled skin
Cass snorted - a stifled guffaw
"Oh alright" Jade snapped peevishly, making Cass laugh out loud "It's not funny!" she protested, but she said it with a smile and pretty soon they were both laughing at their skittish foolishness
"C'mon" Cass grinned as she turned away after a moment, motioning for Jade to follow "I don't know about you, but after an eight hundred metre sprint in thirty degree heat, I need a swim. Shall we go?"

Jade: does anything happen on the way back, or do Cass and Jade make it back and enjoy a nice swim and join everyone for a few beers and a barbecue later on?

Everyone else: there's something out in the jungle and strange things are afoot - does anything weird or spooky happen to your character?

We all know that bad things are going to start happing sometime soon, but the character's don't so let's keep it non-specific for the time being and then we can ratchet up the tension when the night falls ;-)
I've got a good idea what's behind all this, which should be able to accommodate most ideas but if there's anything in particular you'd like to include, just ping me a message and we'll see if we can work it in

< Prev : City. Next > : Bad Omen