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View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
There were more people here that perhaps any of them would have guessed. At breakfast Jade couldn't see any of the others, Evelina had become separated from her in the pre-breakfast queues, taken to Canary induction. New Canaries were eating somewhere else today it seemed, although she could see some of the gruff looking current Canaries scattered about, clustered on tables.
She could see clear groups of people, but in the guarded queue it was difficult to gain too much of a look at who was there. She felt alone and trapped. In the back of her mind she hoped Jay was playing the whole system, that he had a genius plan to get them all out of there. Or that Cass would start busting heads and taking names, shock collar or no, Jade figured the woman would be going stir crazy stuck in one place like this. To escape Brittany only to be here. Jade made a mental note to find Cass and make sure that she wouldn't do anything too stupid.
She grabbed a tray of food and sat down in the first available seat. Jade estimated that the man she sat next to must be almost six foot tall when stood, making him a good bit taller than her. He was similar in height to Solvay, although this man was missing the grumpy, his blue eyes seemed to sparkle with a childlike glee and bemusement. Canteen hubbub filled the air as the people around ate their breakfast.
"Hi." Jade said, looking over at the man, noting his number 14590*.
"Hey." He said back, casting a glance over the pint sized Doctor.
"What are you here for?" She asked, trying to make small talk.
"Don't know. To be honest, I don't even know who I am." He said.
"Oh. Maybe we can jog your memory. Is there anyone here that seems familiar to you?" Jade said, shoving a mouthful of bland porridge into her mouth and wishing that the coffee here tasted better than warmed up mud.
"You know, you remind me of someone." He looked at her, almost looking through her. "What's your name?"
"Jade, Jade Black. I was A Doctor on-board the Blue Dwarf before we were locked up here." She smiled at the dark haired stranger, there was something familiar about him, something on the edge of her mind that she just couldn't place. "Who do I remind you of?"
"I dunno. She was short like you. Blonde though." The man smiled, as if the half memory brought him comfort.
"Maybe we can find her around here somewhere? There can't be many people my size here, even less blondes I would guess. Shouldn't be too hard?" Jade smiled at the man.
"Easier than getting a kebab around here." He grumbled.
"Sounds like something Jay would say." Jade wrinkled up her nose at the thought of kebab for breakfast and then scowled as Jay was still in solitary.
"Sounds like my kind of guy. I think." The man pulled the bemused expression again and lapsed into silence. Frustrated with his lack of memory he angrily stabbed at his breakfast.
"Hey, careful now, you don't wanna stick that fork through your hand now do you?" She smiled at him. This guy would get himself killed if he couldn't remember anything. "Look, stick with me, we'll find your blonde. Maybe she'll know who you are?" Jade smiled, placing a friendly hand on his arm.
Anyone else at breakfast?
*You didn't give yourself a number Phil, so I cribbed it from your post number. Hope that's ok. I'll edit this it if not.