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View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Under Orders
Posted byPosted: Jan 14, 2014, 8:37am
Jamie opened his eyes after the sleeping gas and shocking forcefield.
"huh. Familiar ceiling.." he mused. Normally after an ordeal like that, you'd wake up somewhere unfamiliar, and feel disoriented. This time was different. The ceiling was metal, the floor was metal, and, oddly enough, the walls were metal too. There was a familiarity with the way the metal plates were secured, and the use of piping that zigzagged across it. This was, as far as he could tell, some form of Space Corps vessel, or at worst, some decent facsimile thereof.
Sitting up, the collar prompted him as to its existence, and he naturally raised a hand to examine it.
"Don't pull too hard." Came the aged, wise voice of Plisken. "It's a shock collar of some kind."
"Do you know where we are?" Jamie asked.
"Some kind of ship. A Brig. Your guess is as good as mine." was the reply.
It wasn't long until the door opened. By now, you've probably worked out that the guards enter to take them away for judgement the moment they are awake. That time was now, so they are here.
"You will come with us, Prisoner 133925." The robotic guards said, looking down at the paper in front of them. "You stay here for now" pointing their weapons at Plisken.
"What for?" Jamie asked.
"Judgement." was the reply. Not wanting to find out the power of the Shock collars, they both exchanged a glance and nod, figuring it to be safer to find everyone else before planning an escape. There was nothing to say that anyone else was even here.
"You will be collected momentarily." They said to Plisken.
They led him out to the courtroom, where everyone else was. Slowly, over the course of the trials, it came to Jamie's turn.
"Jamie Eastlick. Top grade Engineer of the Space Corps, formerly assigned to the Space Corps ship Hercules. Immediate family: None alive. Known Crimes include Temporal Trespassing, manufacture of a weapon of mass destruction, construction of tools used for, and also for the mass murder of both humans and Hymenoptera, and going AWOL during a war." said the Judge.
"Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"Yes." Jamie said. "If the mass murder is in reference to the crew of the Hercules, I call manslaughter. There is nothing to say that I directly caused their deaths through inaction. In fact, the reason I left was because I knew there was nothing that could be done."
The judge turned to his colleagues, and they chattered for a moment.
"Very well. You are innocent of the murder of humans, but guilty of several hundred counts of manslaughter. You are still guilty of the murder of the Hymenoptera. In light of the majority of your crimes being under the command of a superior, your sentence is one hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty five years, and three days. Your sentence will be served in Maintenance, as your Space Corps record shows you have an aptitude for repairing machinery, of which we have plenty. Your sentence starts now.
Jamie looked around at everyone else. Those that were still left, that is. He had by no means received the greatest sentence, but it was still a large amount of time greater than his expected life. The guards then grabbed hold of him, and took him away.
<next! I have only tagged myself, since then it covers anyone else being taken away, and I didn't give Plisken a prisoner number, or drag him through to the courtroom in case he wants to do anything special.>