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Blue Dwarf: Nemesis
Posted byPosted: Jan 12, 2014, 3:14pm
Artemis' eyes snapped open to a steel roof, and a rough reflection looking back at him. He sit up and looked around the room. He was in....a jail cell? Sharing the apparent jail cell with him was Herbie, who didn't look amused.
His Life of Brian garb had been replaced by an orange jumpsuit, the number 02295z stitched across the breast pocket.
Artemis examined his suit, and the cell.
"I can't go to jail man! I can't go to jail!" Herbie said, suddenly noticing the collar around his neck. "What is this!" He shouted.
Artemis examined his own collar, the Herbie's. "It's a....I want to say some sort of monitoring device?"
"I don't care what it is, when I find whoever put it on me I'll ring their...." the collar beeped and zapped Herbie with an extremely mild shock.
"Or a control collar....Artemis said. "But what kind of prison are we in? How did they get ahold of us..." a gruff looking guard approached the cell.
"Prisoners, you are to report to the board for sentencing" he said.
The Courtroom
The Dwarfers were all gathered in the courtroom. They had all been dressed in orange and grey jumpsuits (orange for the men, grey for the women), and were lined up against the wall opposite of the judge's stand. Artemis and Herbie were pushed into place next to a very frightened looking Jacky.
A panel of mechanoid judges took their places on the stand, but didn't sit.
"This is going to end badly" Alex said dryly.
"How did we even get here?" Asked Jamie.
"Time snare" Cass said.
"Time snare....they must have been looking for us, or knew were to look..." Said Artemis.
"Very brilliant deduction Artie" a cyborg wearing elegant black clothing entered the room, Artemis knew who he was the second he saw him.
"Lindstrom" he growled.
"It's nice to see you too Artie, it's nice to see all of you, really. I was hoping to catch Mr. Columbus and Mr. Hollis for their invasion if 0ad....but catching the infamous Blue Dwarfers, hah! Outstanding!" Lindstrom approached the group. He passed Jaxx, who lept out to try and attack Lindstrom, only to find all of his attack/defense systems removed. The collar shocked Jaxx, and two guards dragged him back into place.
"Nice try Mr. Jaxx, but all of your weapons have been removed, that goes for all of you. I've removed all of your weapons and armor and stored them. You all have been fitted with collars, as well. Any aggressive behavior will result in a shock. The collar gets more powerful with each event, until level 10...where it kills you"
Lindstrom strolled up to Artemis.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Artemis barked.
"I'm the warden, of course..." he said, shooting his nemesis an evil smile.
"But I left you on the swamp moon! How in the hell did you get here?"
"It's quite simple. I repaired that crippled Blue Midget you so generously left behind for me I traveled on my own, trying to stay alive on what little I could find. Eventually I found a wormhole and was transported back in time to this facility. It was in a deep state of decay, but I managed to put it back together and create an oasis"
"Our definitions of Oasis must be different then because all I see is an atrocity"
"Stow it Artemis. Now...all of you are here because of your constant temporal incursions and the damage you've caused because of it. But we can also find other things to keep you locked up for. Artemis, you're first"
"Oh shut up you git" Lindstrom said as Artemis was escorted to the stand.
"Gums! Peanut Butter" Lindstrom shouted. Gums, an oversized ape GELF, stuck a spoon of peanut butter in Boyd's mouth, quieting him.
Lindstrom took a seat in the empty audience seating while the judges sentenced Artemis.
"Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard the Sixth...." the judge started. "Innovative Science officer of the JMC-Blue Dwarf, former Guild of Science Innovative Scientist. Immediate family, Skutter 02295 aka "The Missus", spouse. Known Crimes: Temporal Trespassing, illegal genetic, robotic, chemical, astrological, and philosophical research, trespassing on government property, trespassing on private property, mass murder, manufacture of a weapon of mass destruction...." "On contract for the space corps" "...INTERRUPTING..." " twat..." "...BEING MEAN! *ahem*, distortions, extortions, explosions, explosive commotion, perversions, dispersion, illegal insertions, and loitering. You are hereby sentanced to 3,000,000 years in prison. You will remain in your current cell, your work assignment will be...."
"Wait!" Lindstrom interrupted. "Dr. Pritchard will assist me in Operation Telomere, he is excused from labor"
"...yes sir, Dr. Pritchard, report to the warden's office at 0600 hours" the judge added as Artemis was returned to his cell.
The next dwarfer was grabbed.....
everyone is being sentenced for the crimes and "crimes" they've committed over the years. Everyone is sentenced for Temporal Trespassing for our time travelling debacle.
The prison is co-ed but the cell assignments are not. Men bunk with men, women with women. Men wear orange suits women wear grey.
You will be assigned labor based on your skills. Engineers work in maintenance, security works with the canaries, anyone that has a skill that isn't particularly useful to the prison works in the mines.
All weapons and personal items have been confiscated and all prisoners are fit with a collar that shocks you for bad thoughts and/or behavior. It has 10 levels of strength, and at level 10 it kills you. You can have it turned down for good behavior.
Have fun!