Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
Married Life part 2
Posted byPosted: Jan 8, 2014, 9:35pm
“Of course sweetie” Cass grimaced
She was about to say something else, but Jay interrupted with a general broadcast to everyone
“Heads up people” he called “The remotes have tripped! Pilate’s on the way in with his honour guard!”
“How many legionaries?” Katrina demanded sharply, leaving Cass suspecting that she might not be the only one on Kat’s shit list today
“The remotes are estimating between thirty and fifty” Jay replied “We’ve almost no chance of taking Pilate down on our own, but if we can somehow lure him onto the ship and then destroy it, that should clear the paradox up nicely”
“Th... That’s the plan!?” Plisken cut in, aghast
“It’ll be fine” Jay breezed “Anyway, heads up: Here comes the first wave to soften us up! – Ten shock troops with heavy force screens, armed with bolt pistols and shit sticks!”
Everyone fell quiet at this
“What?” Jay demanded “Someone did research a way to jam the effects of the barf baton, didn’t they!?”
After Jay’s warning Jaxx looked at Evelina and said in his Vader voice, “Eve babe you totally need to get to the sand rock and get ready.” Evelina replied, “But Jaxx they are heavily armed and there are fifty of them. What are you going to do?” Jaxx replied, “I’m totally gonna show them what a Calamar Monk can do Eve babe.” Evelina nervously shook as her eyes began to water up as she looked at Jaxx’s claw head. Jaxx said, “Chill out Eve babe I totally got this covered and stuff.” Evelina began to bit her lip as she thought this might be her last moments with her beloved Jaxx. Jaxx then said, “Trust me Eve babe. After we get home I totally promise to do that honeymoan thing with ya and stuff. I’ll even wear the fancy clothes you like got me, but I totally need you to cover my back from that spot. Can you totally do that for me Eve babe?” Evelina nervously nodded as she gave Jaxx a last hug and kiss on the clawhead before picking up her rifle and backpack and running to her sniping position behind the large sandstone. As Evelina was getting into position she though, “I need to be strong to my Jaxx. I need to be strong for him so we can have out honeymoon. I really need a break from all this time traveling. Lately it’s been one thing after another. It’s like everywhere we go there is always someone trying to kill us. Why can’t we ever meet someone who just wants to buy us lunch? Look at me going on about such silly stuff. I bet my Jaxx is completely calm and ready as always. Funny how he lost his memories, skills and got mutated into a not so bright vegetation shark man, but he never lost his will to fight. Even in the body of a skutter he is fearless. I wish I could be brave like him. I’m just a pretty GELF that can accessorize and navigate. I……….I..……If we get through this I promise I will be the best wife I can to my Jaxx. I’ll cook his food and wash his clothes and………(blush)……..I hope he likes the naughty outfits I got. I hope he doesn’t mind I am a closet Cosplay girl.”
After Evelina left Jaxx watched her run before he muttered in his Vader voice, “You’re the best Eve babe.” Then Jaxx zipped over to the side of the ship and whipped out his holowhips and began to use them to climb up to the top of the ship. It took a few minutes to climb over the damaged parts of the ship and then finding a bulging array to hide behind. Jaxx looked around and though, “This knarly metal flower will totally keep me hidden till those wicked jerks get close to the ship. Then I will totally use some of these wicked grenades to take a few out before I totally attack them Calamar style. I just like hope Eve babe will be totally safe from those heinous jerks with the poop sticks, cause if one of those touches her I will totally loose it and go all Mortal Kombat on these fools. And after we totally kick that wicked robo dude in the daddy bags and get home I’m so gonna take Eve babe to a nice place to totally help her relax. She totally deserves it after like dealing with all this mondo wicked violence and stuff. She is like totally the most awesome babe in the universe and stuff. She even like doesn’t get mad when I totally train all day and stuff. Oh like speaking of that I so need to get back to my radical training and stuff once I like get my body back and stuff. Since I have like been stuck in this skutter body I have totally been unable to complete any lessons and stuff. I hope Eve babe won’t like get to mad I do some training after we like get back and stuff.”