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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
I Will Follow Him [FPF]
Posted byPosted: Dec 20, 2013, 7:45pm
<Glad you liked that Old Old Story post, Jade.>
Me an’ the pixie walked for ages. Done some talkin’ too. Glad we know we don’t hate and are not ignoring each other.
Eventually we reached the kinda outskirts of the town we were headed for, and stumbled into an... area.
In the area was a cave, Jacky… And some other beardy robey bloke.
The beardy bloke (who for some reason I didn’t like the look of) began babbling on.
“Your garments, they are so unusual.“
I pushed past him and nodded at Jacky. “All right?”
“Er, hi Alex. This is Judas.”
Before I could think about this properly I was distracted by the sight of Jay emerging from the cave. The sun lit him up and I swear I heard the "aaaah" of a choir coming from somewhere.
“Chryst!” I said, realising this could be part of his whole being Jesus thing we’ve heard so much about.
Jade walked over to him and put a hand up on his shoulder. “Good ta see ya, Jay.”
He chuckled and told her she needed sun cream. She quickly put the shoulder-hand over her nose as if embarrassed.
Heh heh.
Then I saw... Plisken... who was a MAN again! That was both exciting... And a little disappointing...
But we won't go there.
He looked younger but like Our Plisken again. I went and shook his hand. I'd missed him. I know that when he was a lady he was still him, but... I'd missed Him-him. You know what I mean?
"You look good, Plisk."
Roman soldiers are looking for everyone - do they find you?
We were saved any small-talk, as some guys in leather skirts and armour charged into the area, yelling something so loud and jumbled that I (and I ‘spect the others) couldn’t make out all the words. Their big pointy spears and shields were clear enough though. They were accompanied by an unmistakeable air of menace.
Me, Plisk, Jay, Jade, Jacky and Judas exchanged a group glance.
“RUN!” We all said, in perfect synchronisation, dashing towards, and into, the town proper.
The first place we found ourselves was a narrow dusty street with people and animals milling around.
“Aargh!” I’d run into some kind of washing line and a sheet or something was over my face. It gave me an idea and I wrapped it around my head as a disguise. I saw Jade snatch something as she ran past, doing the same.
Plisken looked like he'd already done something similar as well. He was quite fast right now, too - even as Male-Plisk.
I grinned and picked a path through some fruit and veg vendors.
If only there were more intergalactic travellers in early age Jerusalem.
A beckoning Jaysus had shot around a corner up ahead.
I saw Beardy Bloke Judas shoot into a door to the left. He might be native, but I'd rather follow Jay than that creepy weasel any day (especially if it was THE Judas).
“C’mon!” I yelled at Jade, and shoved a lagging Jacky forwards.
“Alex, wait!” Someone called. I snapped my head to look at whoever had shouted it, couldn’t tell, and turned back where I was going again as I rounded the corner.
… And saw, too late, that I was about to collide with some guy with red-blond hair and a grin. That’s the last thing I remember before everything went black.
Jaysus, Jacky, Jade, Plisken, Herbie.
Like a gimboid, Alex just smashed into Herbie and knocked himself out.
What’cha gon' do? Jay’s up ahead slightly, Judas is off doing something unpleasant, and the Roman soldiers are hot on our heels.
Do you get Alex quickly awake?
Do you have to hide him and abandon him?
Do we find/meet up with some of the other Dwarfers?>