Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers

View character profile for: Kenneth
Posted byPosted: Dec 6, 2013, 1:15pm
OOC-sorry if this is a little skimpy on details, laptop dying and I wanted to get this up
The casino alarms started blaring. That was the sign to break character. A guard came over to inspect the van, he opened the door to Evelina, who kicked him in the face and knocked him out cold. Artemis, Jay and Evelina rushed to neutralize the civilian guards, injecting them with Catrantula venom and beating them half to death.
"Jay" Katrina snapped over her communicator "Are you in position?"
"Standing by," Jay replied "We've neutralised the guards out here and we’re ready to roll when you are"
Jay returned to the truck to collect the assault weapons (OOC-the rifles confiscated from the Yakuza during the Mrs. Narita posts). Jay took a glock and a Tar-21, Evelina an AA-12 automatic shotgun, and Artemis some ammo for his glock (not having much training with firearms, he decided to instead stick with his syringe gun). The trio then took defensive positions around the truck, and waited....
Time passed, silence took over (save of course for the ambient gunfire and alarms). "It's been an interesting few days hasn't it, Mr Chrysler, Mrs. Stone" Artemis said, taking a seat on the pavement. "It has..." Jay replied. "reliving history, finding Ms. Jones, heh...fighting the Yakuza and getting drugged...." Artemis' head spun, he saw elves dancing in the distance, and heard music in his head. "I have to say my time aboard Blue Dwarf has definitely been interesting. I don't think I would have done have done any of this if I stayed with the Guild of Science, or retired. Plus, there's no criticizing Guild members or Boards of Ethics....I'm free!" Jay smirked. "Well, as long as you keep you work within moral boundaries, have fun with it...I guess" Some more time passed in silence, the fighting got closer. "It's getting really bad in there" Evelina said, checking her gun.
Suddenly, the vehicle bay door opened, the trio leaped into action. Jay and Evelina laid down suppressing fire as the Katrina sprinted through the door. Kenneth slowly backed up, forgetting about Cass, who was crawling for the door. "Who the fuck is that?" Artemis yelled as Kenneth ran to the truck. "Don't worry about it!" Katrina yelled back. Jay noticed Cass, and a group of advancing SWAT officers. "Fuck! Artemis, get Cass! Kat, start the truck!" Artemis grabbed Cass and dragged her out of the line of fire. He tried to life the downed woman but collapsed, weak from the drugs. Evelina, now joined by Jaxx, helped Cass to her feet, and helped her to the truck. Artemis struggled to his feet and followed. "Hello? ANYBODY!" Boyd came in over the radio. "Boyd, where are you?" Jay replied. "I'm stuck at the gift shop with Jacky, Jade and Jamie! We've been found! They're gonna GET ME!" Boyd cut out. "Mr Chrysler, I'll go! You'll need the more combat-apt crew with you. My cover hasn't been blown yet" Artemis shot himself in his robotic arm, causing rust colored hydraulic fluid to show up on his shirt. "I'll pretend I'm looking for EMS!" Jay nodded. "Stay safe!" Artemis nodded and shambled off.
The halls of the casino were littered with SWAT officers, Yakuza members (who were engaging the SWAT, thinking it was a raid) and panicked casino members. Word was that the Nevada National Guard was rolling in, thinking that the recent string of violent attacks was the work of terrorists. Artemis was able to avoid attention but stumbling around asking for help, the Yakuza ignored him and SWAT directed him to the exit. He finally reached the main floor, where a full scale battle had broken out. Artemis spotted Boyd peeking out of the gift shop. He rushed to the store. "Artie!" Boyd yelled. "Come on, we've got to go!" He said. "Where's the others?" Jamie asked. The security van sped by the front of the casino, a cadre of police cars following it. "Shit....wait, Alex!" Artemis pulled out his communicator. "Alex! It's Artemis, we need pickup!" "Uh...right, where do I go?" "The side entrance where they take in deliveries!" "Got it"
The construction truck sped down the alley, and came to an abrupt stop next to the group. Boyd, Jamie, Jade and Jacky climbed into the back, Artemis hopped in the front seat and they were off. They weren't sure where they were going, but hopefully it was in the direction of the time drive....