Boyd Makes a Friend [BACK POST]

<Boyd has been toned down A LOT>

Boyd walks nonchalantly down a hall of Blue Dwarf, just watching the semi-normal life on board. He notices some of the minor things of Blue Dwarf, the loose bolts, the floors, the fire in the corner of the hall that no one seems to be worried about. As he's walking he see's a lonely skutter in the middle of the hall, continuously running into a wall. He walks over and stops the skutter.

"Now what are you doing that for?" Boyd said,

The skutter did nothing,

"Well if you were lost why didn't you ask for help?"


"I see, shy. My name is Boyd."


"That's a wonderful name! Do you like gelado?"


"Oh yeah, robot. Well where were you headed?"


"Okay, I can help you find him if you want."


"Okay, let's go!"

Boyd walks with the skutter down the hall, leading him to his destanation. Today would start the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

<Tag if you want to add anything>

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