Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers
Indiana Jaxx
Posted byPosted: Oct 16, 2013, 8:59pm
“Oh, for smeg’s sake” Alex sighed “No pressure then, eh?”
“Pah! There’s nothing to worry about dear boy” Artemis waved a dismissive hand at him “We’re all still alive here - Therefore: The attempt fails. We’ll be fine!”
“Well, isn't that just the spirit?” Kat grated, pushing herself up and away from the table she was sat on, and onto her feet “Let’s get out of here, start our search and leave Cass to deal with the police”
“Yeah, I’m... I’m sorry to involve you all in this” Cass announced as the crew made their preparations to leave “But I don’t have a time drive and for better or worse, you’re the only people I trust”
“Huh” Jamie muttered to himself "Two apologies in one lifetime; wonders will never cease..."
As the crew was gathering members for their escape several more patrons infected by parasites came after Skutter Jaxx and Evelina as she was quickly putting on her pretty dress. Skutter Jaxx still in his sheep disguise looked down the staircase railing and then behind to see a beam of fire temporarily fall and block the way for the patrons infected by parasites. After Evelina got her dress on she saw the blocked patrons infected by parasites and said, “Jaxx they cornered us. What are we gonna do?” Then Skutter Jaxx looked up at the ceiling away from the staircase and only had a first floor over the dining area and shot his mini skyhook. Skutter Jaxx said in a monotone voice, “Hold on to me tightly Eve babe.” After getting a firm grip with the skyhook, Skutter Jaxx began reeling in the thin cable line towards the ceiling. Evelina quickly mounted Skutter Jaxx as if he were a sheep and accidentally tapped his MP3 Player with her foot. Eve gave a nice kiss on the claw head of Skutter Jaxx as she said, “You know…….For luck.” Just as Skutter Jaxx and Eve were about to swing across the second floor the room was filled with the wonderful sound of the theme song to Indian Jones.
As the music played loudly Evelina rode on Skutter Jaxx’s sheep disguised back and swung across the ledge and over a small blaze by the bar. Once they were close enough to the open area Skutter Jaxx used a holowhip to catch a wood beam nearby and hold their position. Then Skutter Jaxx unreeled his cable line and lowered himself and Evelina to the ground. Evelina pulled out her pulse rifle and laid some cover fire as Skutter Jaxx retrieved his skyhook and holowhip. Jay looked at Skutter Jaxx in his sheep disguise and shook his head at the theme music as he said, “Really Jaxx? The theme from Indiana Jones?” Skutter Jaxx replied in his monotone voice, “Sorry bro, I just go with the moment.”
“Those two are okay!” Plisken announced as he approached, jerking a thumb back at the sobbing woman being comforted by the man behind him
“Get them out of here” Cass and Jay both said in unison, making Plisken smirk at the two of them and wordlessly turn to encourage the couple out of the building
“We don’t have much time” Cass frowned, glancing back to Jay “There's a fair on today and a big party planned for the evening; I think the hosts are massing here with the intention of impregnating as many people as possible, so they can spread the infection even further and faster
“Today’s probably our best chance to identify where they came from and why” she continued “If we’re lucky we can perhaps use the opportunity eradicate them in this area”
“Yeah, agreed” Jay nodded and folded his arms as he turned from her to eye the corpses while the rest of the Dwarfers hurried down the stairs and into the room “We don't have long before what's gone on here is common knowledge” he grumbled “We need to clear out of here, and fast!”
“The constabulary will probably be here in around ten minutes” Cass said, addressing the rest of the crew “I’m one of the gentry around here, so I’ll deal with them” she sighed, running a hand back through her short hair and letting it fall to her side “In the meantime, it’s what...? Nearing seven?”
“The fair on the outskirts of the village will be opening in about an hour” she continued “There’ll probably be a good few thousand people, from far and wide, in attendance today; all prime candidates for infection”
“That’s right” Jay agreed “We need to find out where these things have come from and what it is we can do to shut them down”
“From what I’ve seen” Cass explained “The hosts seem to act with a unified purpose, which only goes to strengthen the case for some sort of psychic ability or other; so I’m guessing there must be a way of directing these spiders
“A central consciousness would be too vulnerable and easy to take out, so we’re probably looking for a network of command and control nodes of some sort”
“Yeah, I’d agree with that” Jay nodded “I’ve seen similar attacks with different species before now; by the sound of it the spiders aren’t big enough to be sentient, so there has be something else – We need to find out what it is and where it is; and once we sort that out, we all can go home”
Cass shot him something of a nervous sideways glance before she continued
“From the briefing I was given before we came here” she said “There was the impression that this might in some way be connected with what’s going on in France at the moment; insomuch as if the revolution there spread across the rest of Europe, it might be the precursor to an alien invasion, and an attempt at eradicating our species”
“Oh, for smeg’s sake” Alex sighed “No pressure then, eh?”
“Pah! There’s nothing to worry about dear boy” Artemis waved a dismissive hand at him “We’re all still alive here - Therefore: The attempt fails. We’ll be fine!”
“Well, isn't that just the spirit?” Kat grated, pushing herself up and away from the table she was sat on, and onto her feet “Let’s get out of here, start our search and leave Cass to deal with the police”
“Yeah, I’m... I’m sorry to involve you all in this” Cass announced as the crew made their preparations to leave “But I don’t have a time drive and for better or worse, you’re the only people I trust”
“Huh” Jamie muttered to himself "Two apologies in one lifetime; wonders will never cease..."
Skutter Jaxx and Evelina listened to the conversation quietly as the others were planning the next move. Evelina then said, “Well were not gonna make good time on foot. Especially if we get attacked again.” Jamie looked at Evelina and asked, “Well what did you have in mind?” As Evelina looked around she saw a stable with some animals in it and replied, “Maybe that stable has a horse and buggy in it.” Some of the others looked at the stable carefully as Plisken said, “I suggest we approach with caution. No telling who or what is in there.” The crew then began walking towards the stable.
TAG What’s in the stable?