Sounds like a good time.

“I’m Plisken” said the woman.
“….talk about boner killer…” Jay mumbled, but not quietly enough for Katrina not hear, and she swiftly kicked him in the shin.
“OW!” he yelped
“What do you mean, you’re Plisken?” jade asked, seeing as how Jay was currently incapacitated from the knee down.
“Long story...” replied the woman, who went on to explain what had happened.

Jacky was dumbfounded. Plisken was alive, and he was a woman. A very attractive woman. Jacky slapped himself.

Start over, he thought.

Plisken was alive, and he was a woman. The last time a man became a woman on ship, it was Justin. Where was Justin? He hadn't seen Justin. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Molly in quite a long time either.

Molly subsequently came in.

"Where have you lot been?" she asked.

"Do you actually want to know?" Jacky asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do."

"Long, long, long story." Jacky said. "But to bring you up to speed, Plisken died..."

"Oh my god." Molly muttered.

"Now he's a woman." Jacky finished.


"Jaxx is in a coma for... I think the third time? Four if you count the AR game we just played." Jacky said.

"So what's on the agenda?" she asked.

"In no particular order, deal with a new crewman who's insane, wake up Jaxx, fix the time drive, pull off a rescue, and come back for a drink." Jacky said.

"Sounds like a good time."

< Prev : Inspiration from Desperation Next > : Perception Check Failure.