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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
No Rest for the Wicked
Posted byPosted: Aug 19, 2013, 8:26am
The crew was shocked to see the Succubae and Incubi looking like beautiful men and women with small horns and fangs dressed in gothic clothing. Instead of attacking the crew members the Succubae and Incubi began pampering them with love, manicures, pedicures, neck rubs, lap dances, food, drink, and drugs. The Succubae and Incubi began charming the crew members with their hearts desires.
Jamie looked over the Succubi and Incubi that were crowding around them. It was all part of a ploy, he knew that. They were held up above for just long enough for protective enchantments - like the one Jay had used - could run out. This left them all vulnerable.
The moment the cage stopped at the bottom, it opened, and several hands reached in to grab Jamie and pull him out.
"No, stay back!" He said, and even threw out a powered "Look over there!" which got their attention for all of 2 seconds.
"Come on, my power barely did anything! I got nerfed!" He complained out loud, but everyone else seemed to be having a similar problem.
"Look deep inside." Treguard said, from inside his mind. "You have a new power, and it can protect you."
Of course, the looking deep inside was what got his attention more. Without missing a beat, Jamie sat down on the floor, and closed his eyes. The voices of the Ssala he had become close with were in his mind once more, guiding him. His heart beat slowed, and soon after, so did his breathing.
"I don't need this." He said slowly, a beat in between his words. In his mind, a swirling vortex appeared, created by imagination alone. Into it fell all his temptations, his desires... The things he missed, and his fears. All during this time, the demons were stroking him, petting him, and trying to tear his clothes off.
"You are doing well, considering you are not using your power. If you do, you will be able to help your friends.
Jamie opened his eyes, and saw them there, beautiful, gleaming... seductive.
"Reap what you sow!" Jamie called, and the purple light engulfed him for a second, before spreading out over the demons around him. They began to turn to each other, affected by their own enchantments. Their power reflected back to themselves.
Then it came. A wave of anguish, pain, disappointment, hate and dread all wrapped up in a bow made of pure despair. Jamie clutched at his chest as he fought to bury it, but it was too much. He doubled over, but at least he wasn't being tempted by the demons.
"No. Must... Block it..." He said, and again sat down, fighting back the thought to run, and focusing more on his mind-vortex of meditation. His previously pure, white vortex of imagination turned black with all the negative emotions that it removed from his conscious thoughts. Helpless, sat just outside his cage, but at least it wasn't due to the crippling anguish.
Then, just as suddenly, the influx of emotions ceased, and he opened his eyes.
His Man-Sense reminded him that women's more complex logic was often confusing, and though she didn't seem to want him near her, if he didn't do anything, there was the risk that she'd think he was cold or something.
But, he reasoned, that was still better than upsetting her by getting too close, (and definitely better than the frightening thought of virtual-castration. Who knew how realistic the pain of that would be).
“Isn’t anyone gonna give her a hug?” He grumbled aloud. Deciding he'd try to play a comforting tune on his lute.
Jamie looked around for someone that was already there, but everyone seemed to be recovering from the ordeal. Jamie stood, stiff limbed as he regained his sentience, and approached the prone woman. Evelina looked like she was on her way, but Jamie's cage was closer to the dance floor, so he was the first one there.
"Hey." He said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Instinctively, she clasped a hand to his. "Are you ok?" He asked, noting the tear streaks on her face. "If that was you..." He began, but then thought better of continuing. "Can you sit up?" He asked.
There was no time for comforting though, as the floor began to rumble, shaking most from their daze.
<tag. So the Demons are gone... But what Now? Was that the whole level, or is there more to come?>