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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
The Devil Inside Ya
Posted byPosted: Aug 18, 2013, 6:36pm
His Man-Sense reminded him that women's more complex logic was often confusing, and though she didn't seem to want him near her, if he didn't do anything, there was the risk that she'd think he was cold or something.
But, he reasoned, that was still better than upsetting her by getting too close, (and definitely better than the frightening thought of virtual-castration. Who knew how realistic the pain of that would be).
“Isn’t anyone gonna give her a hug?” He grumbled aloud. Deciding he'd try to play a comforting tune on his lute.
- Is anyone gonna be nice to the fallen, sad-looking Jade?
Jaxx saw Alex in a cold panic and Jade in a a lot of pain fromj the corner of his eye. He whispered to Evelina, "Eve babe check on Jade. I'll help Alex dude. K?" Evelina nodded as she said, "Ok." Evelina walked to aid Jade as Jaxx walked over to Alex who was mostly naked and feeling awkward. As Jaxx walked towrds Alex he picked up a table cloth on the floor and opened it up in front of Alex to provide some cover for him. Jaxx avoided looking at Alex as he said, "Get dressed Alex dude." Alex slowly realized that Jaxx was being helpful and began to get dressed. Alex asked, "Why are you helping me?" Jaxx responded, "Because dude I know what your dealing with bro." Alex was offended as he said, "What do you know about me? Were not friends and you know nothing about me." Jaxx smirked as he said, "I don't have to bro. Its totally obvious." Alex replied both angry and confused as he said, "What are you talking about?"
Jaxx looked at Alex with a cold stare as he said, "You totally think your the only dude here that has a monster inside? According to Holly dude you totally met mine several times bro." Alex recalled all the horrible episodes of Jaxx on his rampages. Jaxx looked at Alex as he was almost done getting dressed and said, "You have a choice bro. Do you like want to be a man or a heinous monster? " Alex stared at Jaxx silently. Then Jaxx said, "Make your choice bro. Cause you totally can't be both." Alex finished getting dressed and Jaxx walked back to talk to Evelina to talk to her.