Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Posted byPosted: Aug 16, 2013, 6:24am
"Well, a succubus club. At least we know what we're in for." Jacky said.
"A bit like the GELFs" Jay said.
"Actually, yeah." Jacky agreed. "and we resisted them, right?"
a bit of silence filled the room.
"Oh, right. No we didn't. We did a horrible job at resisting them." Jacky said. "Nevermind." he sat down.
"Well, we've got to get moving soon. Any ideas?" Jay asked.
"We don't know exactly what we're up against yet..." Jay added, thinking out loud.
"True. Maybe we should just go ahead and see what happens?" Jacky hazarded.
Everyone nodded approval at this, and stood again, their power returned to them once more. As the last of them got to their feet, a new door appeared at the end of the hallway. It was glowing.
The door itself looked to be made of wood. But it was definitely glowing. Pulsing with different colours, like a giant lamp was behind it, throwing out different colours at random.
"It's probably to disorient us." Jay said. "Hold on, I've got a power against temptation." He said, opening the bible.
"Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." He said, quoting a verse. His crucifix glowed, sending a soft blue light over everyone in the corridor, boosting their resolve against temptation.
Then, they opened the door.
Moments later, the flashing colour subsided. As soon as the door had fully opened, the entire group had been transported to a cage, held aloft above a thrashing mosh pit of demonic looking men and women.
Just above them, a disco ball hovered, sending beams of brightly coloured light to the dance floor below them. Everyone was in their own cage, which appeared to be set up like some kind of dance cage for the enjoyment of those below.
"Well, at least we're not getting tempted..." Jacky said, sarcastically. "Not quite the Succubus Club I was expecting.
"What's with the men?" Artemis asked. "I thought a succubus was a woman."
"A male one is called an Incubus." Jade offered, helpfully.
"While that is useful knowledge..." Jay retorted. "How do we get down from here?"
"Well, I could paint a trap door in the cage..." Artemis said. "But that would only lower me to the demons below."
"Ooh, hold on."Jamie said. "I've just been given a new ability." Jamie said.
"I guess finishing level three gives us more power." He said, standing up.
"Yes indeed." Treguard said, with a disembodied voice. "Mind you, not everyone gets a new ability. Some of you have just had your main ability improved. Use the power wisely, your more powerful abilities will drain you faster."
"Well, I've got the ability to reflect damage for a short time. I guess it messes with their minds and makes them hit themselves?" he thought out loud.
"Not much help up here, is it?"
"I can see the key!" Alex said, now able to talk as it was a new level. "Over there, it be!" he added to finish the rhyme. He was pointing across the room. Sure enough, in the corner, was a key attached to the wall that blatantly said "Cage key" above it.
"But it's all the way over there."
"And we're all stuck up here." Alex said. "If only we had some fishing gear."
"Anyone else got a new power that might help?" Jamie asked.
<Tag all. Is Artemis going to paint some fishing gear? Is there enough space on the floor of his cage for it? And wil it work? Surely the Succubi are going to stop that from happening... Can anyone else get us down?>