Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Magia Flugantan Besto
Posted byPosted: Aug 13, 2013, 10:09am
He trudged onwards to Jay. Before he could reach the leader, though, Artemis turned to him. “Oh look!” He announced, holding something in his hands. “Lanky Locks! I painted this rock into an egg, and it looks like its hatching!”
“Cool! That’s a good egg." His knee buckled briefly as his calf spasmed. "Shit! Pain in my leg!”
Jay turned and dropped back to look at the hatching egg. “Artemis, what were you thinking of when you painted it? This might not be good news…”
“Oh I’m sure it’ll be a harmless little creature who will simply assist us on our quest. At least there are no giants up here!”
“Smeg! You were saying!?”
The Dwarfers began to run and scatter.
"Oh really Mr Chrysler? Because it was my words that brought the giant here and totally not Mr. Plisken's sultry attire!" Artemis shouted, trying to keep the egg from dropping as he ran. "Artemis when we're safe again I'm going to tell you everything that's wrong with what just came out of your mouth!" Plisken retorted. The egg started hopping in Artemis' hands, he tossed it over the side of the clouds, hoping that whatever it was could fly. Sure enough, it did. A Gryphon came swooping up from below and swooped down at the Dwarfers, almost taking Alex's head off. "Artemis we're all going to die! You're a really terrible guy!" Alex yelled. "Oh shut up Lanky Locks, at least I don't look like I'm from a Men Without Hats music video!" Artemis separated from the group and stopped near the edge of the cloud where the Gryphon was circling around. "Magia Flugantan Besto! I am your father and I WILL NOT tolerate you trying to kill me and my colleagues!" The Gryphon shot overhead and hurled itself into a giant. "Good boy, girl, whatever.....I'll deduce that keep that up!" Artemis ran to rejoin the group.
(OOC-construction montage ahead, here's the song: Get it? It's the Rolling Stones Get Off of My Cloud! Because we're on a Okay....)
"Okay, the Gryphon is holding off the giants but I don't think it can keep it up for long, we need to think of a plan, and quick!" Jay said. The dwarfers looked around, there was nothing but trees, rocks, and cloud. "Wait, I have an idea!" said Jade. "Jaxx, I want you to go water those trees over there until they're about a quarter higher" "Uhh, are you sure?" "Positive! Now go!" Jaxx ran to the first tree and started watering it, the tree slowly grew until it reached the aforementioned height, Jaxx then started on the next one. "Artemis, start painting lengths of rope, make sure there's plenty of length!" Artemis nodded and started painting the rope on the cloud below. "Okay, Evelina, I want you to cast a strength spell and pull the trees down so that they're parallel with the ground. Artemis, when she does that tie the rope to the trees and anchor them to something" "Okay Jade" Evelina said, casting the spell and proceeding to pull the huge tree down, getting awed looks from the others. "Whoa! Eve babe!" Jaxx exclaimed, Evelina smiled at him "What can I say?" Artemis tied the tree down, and the second once Evelina had pulled it down. "The giants are coming! Alex, Jay, go to the trees and get ready to cut the ropes on my signal. Jamie, go to the space between the trees and when the giants get here, use your distraction powers to get the giants in front of the trees and make sure they don't see us. Plisken....I kinda need you to get the giants here" Everyone snickered at Plisken, who shook his head and marched out to fetch the giants.
"Hey big boys, why don't you come up and see me some time?" Plisken said in his best sultry voice, catching the attention of the two giants, buying Magia the Gryphon time to escape. Plisken lead the two giants towards the "trap", giggling on occasion and swirling his skirt. Once the giants got close enough they noticed the other Dwarfers and became enraged, Jamie distracted them long enough for Alex and Jay to cut through the ropes. The two trees flew up and smacked the giants off the clouds, their screams resonated throughout the realm. On the ground, an elderly grain merchant pushed his small cart down a path. The two giants landed on either side of him, he looked at each. "Well fuck, there goes the neighborhood"
The Dwarfers cheered, exchanged high fives, and complimented each other. "That was a great job everyone!" Jay said. "But we still need a way off the cloud" Artemis painted a parachute and held it up for the group to see. "We need a test subject" he said. "Why don't you? It's quite a view!" Said Alex. "Well, I certainly can't Lanky Locks! Who's going to paint the other parachutes if this works?" Artemis retorted. Artemis put his finger on his nose, Jaxx and Plisken caught on and did the same, soon, everyone did except Jamie, who didn't catch on quick enough. "What? Does this mean I'm going?" He said. Artemis strapped the parachute on him. "Yes!" Jamie sighed, walked to the edge of the cloud, and leaped off. Suddenly, he landed behind the dwarfers, scaring everyone. "No, I'm afraid you can only enter through the front door! Nice try Artemissio!" the dungeon master's voice echoed from above. "Okay, I'm all out of ideas" said Artemis as he knelt down to check on Jamie.