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View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
A Toast to Frank Cadbury!
Posted byPosted: Aug 10, 2013, 7:57pm
The ball began to die down and the remaining Dwarfers had absconded from the promenade rodents to continue the party at an empty bar. The bar had been tucked away in the back of the Promenade and went untouched for the past 3,000,000 years. The lights barely worked, the alcohol was dangerously aged, and it reeked of mold, but nobody really seemed to care.
The Dwarfers had gathered at a large table, drinking and talking quietly. Artemis sat at the end of the table, the Missus pulled a seat up next to him and was resting her head on his shoulder, Artemis himself was milling over some once lost memories that the alcohol had brought back. Old friends mostly, a lot of interns and scientists, but the one who stood out the most was Frank Cadbury. "You know what I really miss about Blue Dwarf?" Artemis asked, the group fell quiet. "What?" Eve asked. "Never running out of people to talk to. You know what I mean?" Artemis slurred his words, but everyone got the gist of what he was saying. "Yeah, we had a good crew" Plisken commented. "But you know who I miss the most? Science Technician First Class Franklin William Cadbury" Artemis shouted, spilling his liquor on the floor as he threw his hands on the table for dramatic effect. "He was assistant and the best human being around! He was always nice and.....he was never mean....and he was one person who didn't like him! Go on!" "I can't!" Seymour shouted, he started crying. "He was so nice and I was always so mean to him!" Seymour vomited, then picked a bottle of random booze and continued drinking. "I remember how he used to bring me food when I was working indefinite shifts in the lab, he would always leave the food nearby, wait to see if I needed anything else, and the scurry off to go do work! I never acknowledged it until I was working in the lab the other day and went to grab food from his usual spot! Or how he would always....always....ALWAYS! What? Oh yeah, he would always get up at four and clean the lab top to bottom, every day, no matter how sick or hurt he was! And I never thanked him!" Artemis downed a shot and broken the glass whilst slamming it back down, causing his robotic hand to leak hydraulic fluid. "Fuck" Artemis shouted. "I didn't know Frank that well, but every morning he would greet me with a smile while walking to the ISD lab. Even when things weren't going well he was always happy. This galaxy is lesser for his death...." Plisken slurred. "I didn't know Frank dude at all, but he sounds like one of the coolest guys ever...." Jazz commented. The Missus chimed on, commenting in droidspeak. "Yeah, that too!" Artemis said, standing up. "And you know vuht? I'm proposing a toast to Science Technitian First Class Frank William Cadbury!" Artemis held out his glass. "To Frank!" The group of drunk Dwarfers chimed in. For the rest of the "party" the group reminisced about other lost friends, and old memories before going their separate ways hours later.
<I left the rest open so people can add their own reminiscing into the after party>