Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
But We’ve Got the Biggest Big Balls of Them All?
Posted byPosted: Aug 10, 2013, 1:12am
Jaxx and Evelina were talking to several of the rodents at the party. The rodents were especially fascinated by Jaxx, as he told them about his adventures with his surfer lingo. Evelina was smiling and listening to Jaxx ramble on until Alex and Jade caught her eye. Evelina excused herself from the crowd to check on Jade.
"Alex?" Jade whispered as he walked away. She sank to the floor, feeling numb inside. After about ten minutes, the large doors opened up and Evelina crept out.
"Come on back Jade. He's not worth it." Ah, the age-old phrase used to comfort the person in obvious love distress.
"But he is." Jade protested. "At least... He let me think that he was. Was it all an act do you think? Was he just leading me on to see how stupid I was?"
"No, it's not like that at all I'm sure." Evelina guided Jade back inside and sat her down at the bar. In theory safe since the Doctor was known for not drinking that much.
"Then I scared him off? The song was too much wasn't it? I can't help that..." She protested, trying to find reason in his actions.
"We can sort it all out later. Now isn't the time to dwell on it." Evelina said gently, pushing a glass of something brown and whiskey like to Jade. "Drink something, it'll make you feel better." Ah, the second, and most dangerous phrase uttered by those comforting the distressed. Jade lapsed into numb silence, wondering if she could have done or said anything differently. Brooding over the glass for a good long time as song after song washed over her numbed mind. After a while Evelina left to go check that Jaxx wasn't getting in trouble.
When Evelina went to check on Jaxx he was involved in a cheese and vegetable eating contest with Whiskerman and three other rodents. The crowd of rodents were cheering on their favorites as they guzzled down large five pound plates of vegetables and cubed cheese. Evelina was amused by Jaxx as he scarfed down the food like it was going out of style. One female mouse was keeping time as they raced to eat as many plates as possible. As the female mouse yelled, “TIME!” the crowd roared as Jaxx won by a landslide. Whiskerman laughed as he said, “Wow Jaxx you can really put that cheese and veggies down huh?” Jaxx smiled as he replied, “That was totally radical bro. Thanks for the grub.” Whiskerman laughed as he said, “My pleasure my boy. Now how about we liven up the place with some music and dancing. Maestro if you please!” The DJ then began to play popular hit songs for everyone to dance with. As the music played Jaxx and Evelina began dancing together to many songs the DJ selected.