Characters in this post

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Drinking at the Ball
Posted byPosted: Aug 8, 2013, 7:09am
Plisken stood at the back of the hall, trying not to be noticed by anyone. He didn't especially like dancing or singing or really just being here not doing anything. Miss. Jones was still missing and here they all where, larking about as if everything was normal. Admitably, a crewmember being kidnapped probably was normal these days but that wasn't the point. The last time Plisken had went to a ball, it was to honour the commsion of the HMS Equinox, his second ship. At least then he'd had a snazzy uniform to wear, adorned with medals and stripes. Now he was justing wearing his normal clothes. Although, in the atmosphere, his great coat did give him a strong presence. Well, he thought so anyway.
Plisken had been here a while, mainly draining the supply of whiskey, but now more people began to flodd the hall. The old man sat away from the door, and away from attention. He was not here for a good time, more because it was a moral obligation to attend the same event as his friends. He had too much on his mind: Miss Jones missing, Brittany, the Genesis Ark. Well, it wasn't a lot but they were big things.
"Welcome to the annual Whiskermas ball!" There was a huge cheer and the crowds went wild. "As is our tradition, we start with the subconscious karaoke. Whiskermas is a time to share what you feel. So what better way than with music!" The crowds cheered again. "Those who fail to sing will be put in...." He paused for dramatic effect as something was lowered from the ceiling. "The Dark Ball." The crowds oohed, the dwarfers looked bemused.
"Ok, our first singer is one of the humans! Come up here Jade!"
"Ah..." she said, as two burly gerbils escorted her to the stage. Singing in a corridor alone was one thing, this was totally different.
"So. Are you going to sing of your love for..."
"Shut up!" She said instinctively, before becoming aware of all the eyes on her.
Plisken smiled as he watched Miss. Dr. Black ran off the stage. That had to be one the reasons why he wouldn't sing: Stage fright. Or something like it. As Artemis approached the stage, Plisken almost felt himself stand up and give a drunken cheer, for more than several bottles lay strewn on the table. But he compossed himself and silently watched Artie sing his heart out to the crowd.
Artemis whipped off his jacket, the missus caught it. A few whoops came from the audiance.
"Today I found a message floating, In the sea from you to me. It said that when you could see it, You cried with fear, the Point was near
Was it you that said, "How long, how long
To the Point of Know Return?""
Artemis continued the chorus until the music cut out. The lights came back on and the crowd roared. "Give me a few minutes to cool off and I'll sign the best hits of The Ramones" the crowd continued to roar as he walked off stage, collected his jacket, and returned to the Dwarfers, who exchanged mixed comments on his performance. Artemis could tell this was shaping up to be a fun night....
Plisken thought to himself as he drained another glass full of whiskey. They'd ran out of the good stuff, or they where keeping it from him, and had began to serve the cheaper whiskey. He might not be asked to sing on that stupid stage. Not like anyone was missing him anyway. Although, everyone was wearing masks. Maybe. Plisken padded himself down for his glasses but couldn't find them. Everything was just a fuzzy blend of colours. Ormaybe it was the drink? Who knew?
Tonight we have two people with the same song on their mind. Ladies and Gents give it up for Jaxx and Evelina Stone. The crowd cheered for the couple as they were ushered up the stage by several rodents. Jaxx and Evelina look a bit nervous since they don’t know what song to sing. Evelina asks Whiskerman, “What is the song?” Whiskerman winked and replied, “The same one you heard last night.” Jaxx looked confused as Evelina thought back to what they did last night. Suddenly the music came on and they remembered their song from the night before. The song was "Yummy Yummy" by Ohio Express.
Plisken groaned as he clutched at the neck of a bottle or Jack that he'd quietly liberated from a waiter. This was not a good song. It. Was. Bad.....
Plisken shook himself, maybe he'd better give the rest of the drink a miss for the night.
Suddenly a horrible flash back came to Seymour, Phi, Alex and the other Blue Dwarfers who witnessed the horror during this song in the past. It was the first appearance Jaxx made to the crew since he was released from stasis. Images of Jaxx jumping around the room without gravity and killing Pleasure Pig GELFs all around as he ate them and laughed maniacally.
Plisken downed the rest of the bottle.
Several more people took to the stage to sing but Plisken had quietly fell asleep with his hat over his face and missed most of it. By the time he had woken up, it was the interlude. Plisken stood up and streched. Strange that nothing big and dramatic had happened yet. Maybe Alex was around, there usually seemed to be excitment there. So with that in mind, Plisken snuck away from his table and into the shadows, as to avoid singing of course, and off to find adventure. But after a few steps, he felt light headed, probably from the drink, and promptly fell back into his chair. Perhaps adventure would find him tonight. Plisken lit his pipe and quietly watched the rest of the dwarfers make fools of themselves.