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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
A.L.T.A.R. Boy
Posted byPosted: Jul 20, 2013, 2:28pm
OCC-This is a part 2/continuation of the ALTAR post
"ALTAR agent Omicron-57, you are required for a trans-dimension operation" "What would you have me do?" "Mission 89746736-Red. You are to conduct surveillance on subject fifteen and alternate reality Artemis Pritchards one and two. Follow the targets and report all findings to headquarters through trans-dimensional quantum-entanglement communications on channel theta. Your side objectives are to report findings on dimension 66-a for an impeding operation, and tag any Blue Dwarf crew from Artemis-2's reality. Do you understand?" "Yes" "Prepare for departure"
In the desert
Agent Omicron-57 teleported into the dimension just behind the pair of Artemis' as they traveled back to the village with Plisken in tow. "Subjects located, staying back to avoid detection" The agent crouched behind a rock and checked his gear. He was wearing a skin-tight black bodysuit (in typical space-ninja fashion). He wore a strange black harness, tool belt, and had a multi-vision monocular strapped to his head. He carried a knife, silenced pistol, and an assortment of other gadgets to eliminated enemies and hide his presence. The only thing damaged by the trip was his lunch box, which was a huge downer, ALLI packed him a grilled cheese! Nonetheless, he had a job to do. He activated his cloaking device and followed the two men home.
Many hours of desert travel, and one hour long stop at a falafel stand later
Agent Omicron-57 had finally found village, having lost Artemis' one and two while stopping for a falafel. The two sand dragons were tied up behind the house. The agent creeped up to the window and peered inside....
Plisken's wounds were being treated by Artemis-2 while Artemis-1 scanned him to see where he had been. "That's weird" Artemis-1 commented. "What?" "Mr. Plisken has no readable temporal particles on his person" "Not even any from your reality?" "No, it's almost as if he had been cleansed. The only reason I would do that is to hide where he had been" "Wait, look! There's faint traces of various medecines in his system. Somebody already treated him" "What the hell happened to you Mr Plisken?" Just as Artemis-1 finished his commented Plisken came too.
"Artemis? Why is there two of you?" Plisken asked groggily.