Hidden Intentions

Several Hours Ago Aboard Starbug

"There, finished!" Artemis put the final touches on the device. "So it's a bomb then?" Holly asked. "No Holly, it's not. It's something I owe to the galaxy after all the smeg ups I've had" He said, depositing a vial into the top of the device. "This is a reverse engineered version of the mosquito narcotic Holly" "How did you reverse engineer it without a real lab?" "Oh, I just loaded it up with the samples from the love bugs and some antibiotics for good measure. This device will deliver it into the swamp once we're safely away. It will rise into the atmosphere, and mix with the rain particles. My serum will be distributed within a decade, causing anything it comes in contact with to exhibit a more calm behavior, and over the course of several thousand years, cause an adverse evolution on the creatures, allowing them to evolve into animals and bugs with more potential than being simple GELF defenses" The device was a timed dispenser, which in twelve hours would release a concentrated dose of the serum. It was retribution for Artemis' involvement with the Q-Bomb project on Charon, which caused the accident that claimed his friends. "I've been alive over three million years and all I have to show for it is some sick experiments. At least by giving these creatures a new lot in life in the next Millenium I can patch one of the many wounds I've created" Artemis stared at the device. "Either that or it'll dissipate in the atmosphere and do nothing, but either way, I just want to know that I tried" "That's beautiful Artie, I wonder what the others will think!" "Nothing, because I won't tell them! They'll think I'm a sissy! I'll tell the it's a q-bomb or a thermos of some sort!" Artemis shoved the dispenser into his bag, recovered Holly, and left Starbug. One debt paid, one to go....

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