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View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Candice Kane
Just what in the Hamster is going on here?!?
OOC - Very sorry, I haven't been able to post recently! Real life stuff has been keeping me busy. But this post should help catch me up and provide a little more context/background of what is currently going on. Plus I'm not exactly sure who is located where so I didn't bother selecting that many 'Characters in this post'. I figure you guys can make that clear yourselves.
- Tim/ WW
-|Back in game|-
[Where: On the moon]
Candice dressed in a armored tactical suit that looked like she belonged more in a game of Halo than slugging through the mucky swamp following a Six foot, one inch Hamster scampering about this way and that while holding up a bottle of Mandallion blue liquor and occasionally pausing to examine it intently.
"Any signs of the inter-dimensional object yet?" inquired Candice to White Wolf during one of his pauses.
"Yeah, I'm getting a very faint glow every now and then, so our low tech detection methods working, but this bloody swamp is really making it little tedious figuring out exactly which direction it is with the all the slow going. And probably doesn't help that we landed not very close to it in the first place... Get off me you dang bug!" Replies White Wolf while he quickly flicks off some kind of large insect which was crawling across his fur, before he continues "You know the Roo intentionally put in backdoors in case one of us have lost all our high tech stuff to get in, but the choice of this place almost feels like someones idea of adding a little extra insult and annoyance to that kind of a bad luck scenario."
"Well, I'm glad I decided to wear one of the military excursion suits from my old ships leftovers for our little walkabout looking for this outposts backdoor - Not that I think the swamps fauna could do much to me since I'm essentially a Sembot, except besides look decidedly unfashionable." Said Candice with a touch of smirk on her face.
"Hmm... It's looks like our inter-dimensional object is that way." Says White Wolf holding up the faintly glowing bottle before him while pointing slightly off to one side of a small hill ahead.
"Perhaps moving up that elevation will provide us with a better vantage point to see what lies ahead."
The oversized hamster nods, "Good thinking."
After they both mount the top of the little hill, they see off a short ways in the distance, the group of their fellow dwarfers gathered around a glowstick bedecked tree.
"Looks like they have encountered something, I can see someone climbing out of hole." Mentions Candice while shading her eyes with her hand and looking the the group.
"Yes, that does seem to be the direction of our object." Says the large hamster experimentally moving the bottle of Mandallion blue liquor about around himself and watching it's glow brighten and dim slightly, "I think their on the right tack - It does seem to be a stronger glow downward. I guess a caving we go!"
[A little while later as they both slowly approached the group gathered nearby the tree, observed some strange behavior being exhibited by the humans]
"You know, I'm beginning to think the fauna of this moon is an antithesis to humans." Candice comments to White Wolf while slogging her boots in and out of the swampy waters and watching their fellow dwarfers out-of-normal behavior with analytical curiosity.
White Wolf stops and quickly slaps his furry forehead as he excitedly exclaims, "Oh of course! A sort of fly paper! That's why they choose this stupid swamp place, that bloody Roo aversion to humans!"
Candice pursed her lips in thought for a moment, "Yes, I seem to recall some conflicting accounts in my history files concerning the source of that aversion, mostly a bunch references to humans previously subjugating all of the Roo on the birth planet of Sandwich."
"Actually, the planet was called 'Reuben' - where the Governor decided to use electronically controlled genetically enlarged human sized rodents to replace the mechanicnoid workers that went on strike. I was there with Wd-40. And we sort of rescued a bunch of them from that planet, and well, it's too long of story to get into right now. ", replies White Wolf looking uncomfortable.
"Ahh - that might explain some of conflicts in my memory files. You had to use some of what remained of your companion WD-40, to help rebuild me." Candice frowned slightly as she gazed at White Wolf's uncomfortable looking face, "I'm sorry you had to do that."
The Big hamster looked at her rather tenderly as he replied, "Candy, I've lost many good friends to the wastes of time - that's just the way the multiverse is. Accepting it is often the hardest part, especially since I've learned the really hard way - I can't always save everyone." Then he gave a quick shrug and continues moving forward, "Enough dwelling on the past, my dear. We must proceed in helping out with our comrades current
As they get within a short distance of the group and the 'holo-tree', suddenly a ghost like pedestal containing a control panel shimmers into existence in front of the outsized hamster.
"It's the backdoor control panel! It have been set to only recognize Atemporals like myself." Remarks White Wolf perusing the panel that seemed to the both there and Not there at the same time, "It's a transport gateway and it is currently open." He reaches out with his right paw and manipulates the controls with his claws before, "There appears to be two destinations available. The current destination seems to be a randomly chosen alternative reality and it's other destination appears to be the way down to the Roo installation on the planets surface. I can switch the destination from this control panel, but we will need to gather our fellow crewmates back here first because doing that will close their route back to this dimension."
"So it's essentially another booby trap for Non-Roo. Wow, the bunch of Roo here must be a real anti-social lot." Remarks Candice she regards the hole and accompanying panel.
"You don't know the half of it! Welp, We better go round them up before they all get too far off." Mutters White Wolf sighing with obvious resignation, then quickly scrambling down the rope.
They both hit the ground in rapid secession, the voluminous hamster sniffs the air and calls, "This way!" before scampering off in pursuit of his fellow humans.
It echoed around the chamber, ricocheting off something metallic and then shattering the light bulb. The shot had gone massively wide, thrown off by her shaking hands.
"Oh no..." She whispered, as the emergency light flickered on overhead. Lighting her up, gun drawn and aimed at the group. "STAY BACK DEMONS!" She yelled, backing off.
"What the?" Evelina was the first to recover, standing up after everyone had hit the deck after the shot rang out. "Jade? Why...?"
"STAY BACK!" She yelled. Turning and fleeing into the closest building. It just so happened to be the Fun House.
<snip end>
"Hey, that's really rude calling me a demon! I really hated it whenever people did that while I was stuck back on earth during ancient times!" Calls White Wolf while coming out of the shadows, quickly followed by Candice.
"I don't think she's talking about you, But them." Says Candice pointing to a small group of clowns with monstrous faces filled with vicious sharp teeth which were in the process of coming out of one of the nearby amusement park buildings and approaching.
"Oh... Well. Nevermind then. I guess while we're telling everyone that they need to return back to our home destination so that we can switch the gates destination over to the Roo Installation on the planet, we had better remind the crew *not* to fraternize with the natives here while we're trying to catch up with Dr. Jade, Huh?" Remarks White Wolf while heading toward the Fun House without missing a beat.
<tag - So how does everyone else react?>