Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
Fun While it Lasted
Posted byPosted: Jun 30, 2013, 10:12am
“What the hell’s going on here!?” Jamie suddenly demanded in astonishment as he emerged from the undergrowth
Gazing unsteadily at him, Cassandra’s mouth widened into her broad smile while Katrina continued kissing her neck, the pink firefly’s darting and zipping around them
“Why don’t you come and join us?” she asked huskily.
"Uhh... What?" Jamie asked, unsure as to what was going on. He could see two lovely, semi-clad women in front of him, and it was almost enough to get him to launch himself at them there and then.
"I'm still dreaming, aren't I?" he asked them, totally serious.
"This might be a dream." Katrina said, seductively. "That depends if a threesome is a dream come true."
Jamie pinched himself, hard.
"Ow...." he said, instinctively, even though it didn't really hurt. He looked around, for whatever was causing this, and felt himself edge towards them, causing their smiles to grow.
"Come on, don't fight it. Give in!" Cassandra said, grabbing his hand as he got in range, and pulling him into an embrace.
"Oh, go on then." He said, and pulled them both down to the ground. Fortunately, the area the log was sat on was a touch less swamp-like than the rest, so the three of them rolled around on the dirt for a while, having a great time.
Jamie slid a hand down Cass' chest, a grin spread across her face (and his). until he got about half way...
Then the smile disappeared from both of their faces.
"WHAT THE SMEG DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!" screamed Cass, which caused Katrina to jump off as well.
"Hey, you're the one that invited me!" Jamie yelled back. All three of them were starting to get angry.
"And you thought you could just take advantage of that?" Katrina said, making it boy vs girls. An unfair fight if ever there was one.
"Put your clothes back on, you're acting like a stripper." Jamie said, anger rising further.
"WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?!" Cass roared back, and slapped him across the face. It was forceful enough to knock him to the ground as he wasn't expecting it. He landed with a strange squishing sound.
"The hell?" he said as he looked up. He rubbed a hand along his arm, which felt oddly wet.
"Stop." he said, looking up at the girls. "Seriously, I think there's something in the swamp messing with us." He did his best to look up at their eyes, for decency. But in his 10-year sex-starved state, that was going to be a bit harder than taking over the world.
<tag. Ladies/gentlemen (depending on who you're talking to...), how does this play out?>