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View character profile for: Jacky Kong
"Look.. I..." Alex's apology was cut off as somewhere in the distance, about 100 yards away in the gloom without warning, the calm was shattered by a horribly urgent, hairs-on-the-back-of-your-neck-ruffling, primal fear inducing, terror provoking, depths-of-your-animal-soul-disturbing scream. Only this time, it sounded like Jacky...
Jacky had fallen into some mud.
This mud was especially wet, deep and filthy. Just looking at it made your clothes feel stained. Not to mention the parasites. Disgusting.
That's not why Jacky was screaming, mind you. Though I'm sure he'd be kicking up a fuss about the mud had he not been pre-occupied.
Jacky was already having quite the week. He'd been slipping in and out of minor insanity, had annoyed almost every member of the crew, and now had been acting fairly rude to everyone. He especially wasn't fond of the random worm-induced *ahem* "attack" on Plisken. This was something he'd want to forget later, for certain.
Of course, his bitterness in the swamp had surprisingly little to do with his buildup of stress. His focus of bitterness on Alex had to do with it, since he'd always found Alex to be a bit depressing, but mostly it was because of the swamp. Jacky despised swamps. He hated everything about them. The colors were all groggy and sickening, the mud and muck everywhere made him uncomfortable, and he hated bugs more than anything in the world. Particularly mosquitoes.
Overall, it just wasn't a very good time for Jacky. Especially since a heavily parasitic arachnid-like creature was currently attaching it's sharp, needle-like legs into Jacky's skull in order to gain control of his brain.
Did I neglect to mention that?